Bible in the News
‘Bible in the News provides a weekly analysis of world politics and events
in the light of Bible prophecy — the Bible in the News!
A different presenter each week gives an account of a particular event from the news that has caught their eye – Detailed analysis of that event in light of what the ‘Sriptures saith’ is offered for your consideration.
Visit – from audio broadcasts frm 2006′
We live in a very troubled world. Do we need to be worried as we move into 2019? Researchers look at many countries and see people are worried about terrorism, unemployment, health care, crime and violence. Storm clouds are gathering over a global economy. We live in an interconnected world unlike any previous time and yet the darkness of loneliness plagues many people. In the Bible, we have a more sure word of prophecy which offers hope for the future.
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Russian troops and equipment pour into Syria – Is The Time of the End upon us?

Latest News & PROPHECY Leaving the EU looks within reach 29-09-2015

Egypt being prepared for invasion by the ‘King of the North’: End Time Bible Prophecy

Presidential Candidatate – Judea & Samaria are part of Israel, Jerusalem is its capital Mike Huckabee states the truth, and stirs up a storm