This page displays content based on a certain days readings. Use the date search to change the date
End of reading 1. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons.
Daily Readings and thought for September 16th. “THERE WAS NO KING LIKE HIM WHO …”
It’s the Thought that counts ‘The Words of God’16.9.2020
Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.
End of Reading 1
End of reading 2. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons.
Daily Readings and Thought for September 16th. “THE DAYS GROW LONG AND EVERY VISION COMES TO NOTHING”
Rahab and the story of the Scarlet Thread.
Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.
End of Reading 2
End of reading 3. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons.
Daily Readings & Thought for September 16th. “ASKED HIM TO DEPART”
The Power of Parables.
Four Funerals and a Wedding
Where will the kingdom of God be , In Heaven or on Earth?
The Coming Resurrection.
He Was Zealous for his God
Born again by the word of God. (John 3: 6) – WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.
End of Reading 3
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