Latest News & PROPHECY-WAKE UP Britain is heading for Brexit

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WAKE UP Britain is heading for Brexit

March 23, 2016 4:37 pm by Gideon Rachman

The campaign for the UK to leave the EU has momentum and simple slogans

James Ferguson illustration of BREXIT©James Ferguson

The British debate about Brexit, at the moment, reminds me of thediscussions I heard in the US, late last year, about Donald Trump. Back then the opinion polls said that Mr Trump was well ahead in the race. But the conventional wisdom in Washington was that he would never win the Republican presidential nomination. Everybody told me that, once voters focused on the race, Mr Trump’s lead would crumble.

In Britain today, there is a similar unwillingness among mainstream political analysts to believe the warning signs from the opinion polls. Several recent polls have shown small majorities in favour of the UK leaving Europe when the country holds its referendum on June 23. But most political pundits I speak to still think it is pretty unlikely that Britain will really vote to leave. When it comes to both Mr Trump and Brexit, the political establishments in Washington and London find it hard to believe the public will ultimately make a choice that the establishment regards as self-evidently stupid.

However in Britain, as in the US, politics has taken a populist and unpredictable turn. The financial crisis and its aftermath have undermined faith in the judgment of elites. High levels of immigration and fear of terrorism have increased the temptation to try and pull up the drawbridge and retreat behind national frontiers.

Britain’s Leave campaign will put immigration and border controls at the centre of its campaign — and that could be a winning tactic. The polls suggest the public is overwhelmingly sympathetic to the idea that Britain needs to restrict immigration. Prime Minister David Cameron’s attempted renegotiation of the terms of Britain’s membership of the EU was unable to deliver much on this score. The principle of free movement of labour within the EU remains untouched — and the Leave campaign will make sure every voter knows that.

Unfortunately, the coalition that was meant to drive the Remain campaign is failing to come together. Pro-Europeans always assumed they would be able to rely on the support of the opposition Labour party, the Liberal Democrats, the mainstream of the Conservative party and most of British business. But the Labour party is now led by Jeremy Corbyn, a closet Brexiteer who will not lift a finger to rally his party behind the pro-EU cause. The Liberal Democrats were virtually wiped out at last year’s general election. And civil war has broken out among the Tories, with several leading figures joining the Leave campaign.

It does not matter what the politicians think or do, God has declared the End from the Beginning and the Bible (God’s Word) reveals that Britain will not be part of the EU when Christ Returns to Earth, and World Events are conspiring to ensure that happens.

What we will continue to witnessed here is as Daniel said in Daniel 4:17 “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will…”

Just as the angels of God were at work ensuring that Britain had one of the strongest voter turn outs in years and voted for the conservatives to return to UK Government.

Yes, despite all the politicising by the various parties and politicians, EVENTS both within Britain and Europe will keep pushing Britain in the direction of leaving the EU which now seems assured under the conservatives who have promised a UK Referendum where the people will decide!

So yet again we see the hand of God at work in the nations to ensure that His purpose unfolds on the earth.  Britain will leave the EU of this we can be certain as this is a matter of Bible Prophecy.  In the Bible, God has long said (2,500 yrs ago to be exact) that Britain will not be a part of the European Union when Russia and the EU invade the Middle East.

See this article to learn about the‘Alignment of Nations in the Last Days’