Was there Error in the Patriarchs? God does not lie!
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The speaker explains this cannot be proved from science but this is not the point. What ...

Jesus Died for You..How Do You Feel about That?
### Summary The script discusses how to change perspectives on faith, emphasizing storytelling and introspection, particularly through the narrative of ...

God, freewill and Suffering
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Faith is sometimes questioned because people find it hard to believe that an all-powerful, all-knowing God ...

Bible Q&A: What is the Truth?
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Bible Answer demonstrates the differences between truth and error and the true gospel and the ...

Bible Q&A: Why the Bread and the ‘Cup’ and not the Bread and the ‘Wine’?
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: An explanation of why the gospel narratives of the Last Supper use the term 'Cup' in ...

Understanding the Book of Genesis Seminar – 12 Episodes (Various presenters)
Learning about God's message to mankind is a blessing and privilege, whether you chose to accept it is another matter ...

Climate Change and The Christian!
A Christadelphian Video: Description: This informative talk provides evidence for climate change. Graphs are produced to demonstrate the rapid increase ...

Bible Q&A: Why is the Bible made up of only the 66 books?
A Christadelphian Video: Description: A careful examination of what constituted the acceptance of the 66 books of the Bible. The ...