Behold the Man – 4 Video series

#1: Description: The events and teachings leading up to The Lord Jesus Christ’s death bring across strong messages of the importance of knowing His love, of loving others and of being of one mind. They also teach us that all the happenings of those times were completely in God’s control and part of His purpose.
#2: Description: The Romans and the Jews were equally responsible for the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, the Jews called a curse upon themselves and their children, but the merciful provision by God, of a saviour for the forgiveness of sins, was accomplished through their enabling of the crucifixion.
#3: Description: The Scripture portrays the Divine Meaning of Christ’s undeserving sacrificial death as well as the actual Gospel account of the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. The presenter concludes after his very edifying scriptural discourse, that All attempts the High Priests and Pharisees used to prove that Jesus was not the Messiah, verifies that He was the actual Son of God!
#4 Description: The Lord Jesus Christ, described as the Lamb of God, was resurrected 3 days after His death by crucifixion. Over 500 witnesses saw the resurrected Christ. The Apostles watched his ascension and were told by an angel that he “shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go.” The Lord Jesus will resurrect the dead and assemble those committed to Christ, and rule as King in righteousness from Jerusalem.