Can we believe in the book of Genesis? 5 Part in depth Video Series

#1:Scientific methods of establishing the age of elements in order to set the age of the earth is examined. The speaker is well informed and discusses the various techniques with dating. More recent techniques called into question the accuracy of such methods.
#2: Science states that life on earth took millions of years to form, yet, God says he He created it all in 6 days. Science teaches “random chance” produced countless biodiverse systems of plant and animal life within in a mega-complex integrated ecosystem. Yet, planet earth is the only one of its’ kind to support human life as radiates in a solar system within an endless universe. The belief that all life exists on this one planet by random chance requires an impossible leap of faith versus the evidence of an All-knowing Creator that lovingly details His plan in His book—The Bible.

Episode #2
Scientific methods of establishing the age of elements in order to set the age of the earth is examined. The speaker is well informed and discusses the various techniques with dating. More recent techniques called into question the accuracy of such methods.

Episode #3 – Science states that life on earth took millions of years to form, yet, God says he He created it all in 6 days. Science teaches “random chance” produced countless biodiverse systems of plant and animal life within in a mega-complex integrated ecosystem. Yet, planet earth is the only one of its’ kind to support human life as radiates in a solar system within an endless universe. The belief that all life exists on this one planet by random chance requires an impossible leap of faith versus the evidence of an All-knowing Creator that lovingly details His plan in His book—The Bible

Episode 4:
The theory of evolution is explained. It is notable that Darwin’s theories of random processes developed before genetics were discovered, and more recently the amazing complicated structure of the DNA which determines the characteristics of each living creature.

Episode #5 :
In this video, we pull together all we have learned and summarise our findings, The truth about our existence on this planet cannot be by chance and we are encouraged to accept our creator’s instructions to live lives according to his will. That we may have the opportunity to live eternally in the coming kingdom soon to be realised on this Earth