Christian Religious Customs and Traditions Examined: Confirmation, Sprinkling & Infant Baptism.

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Bible teaching does not support the Catholic customs of Confirmation, Sprinkling and Infant Baptism. These customs were not practised in Apostolic Times, and only began a number of centuries after the death of Christ.

### Summary
The video examines Roman Catholic customs of infant baptism and confirmation, their historical origins, and alignment with biblical teachings.

### Highlights
– 🚼 **Infant Baptism**: Involves sprinkling water on infants, historically rooted in church tradition.
– 🕊️ **Confirmation**: Ceremony confirming a baptized individual as a full church member, traditionally occurs around age 7 to 13.
– 📜 **Historical Origins**: Infant baptism began as an emergency practice in the 2nd century, evolving into a common tradition.
– 📖 **Scriptural Basis**: Key biblical verses emphasize belief as a prerequisite for baptism, challenging the validity of infant baptism.
– ⚖️ **Circumcision vs. Baptism**: Catholics parallel circumcision with baptism, but the requirement of belief conflicts with this view.
– ⏳ **Tradition vs. Scripture**: Catholic practices lack strong biblical foundation, highlighting the importance of faith and personal commitment.
– 🌈 **Call to Belief**: Emphasizes the significance of belief for salvation, urging a personal relationship with God.

### Key Insights
– 🔍 **Lack of Biblical Evidence**: Both infant baptism and confirmation lack explicit biblical support, focusing instead on church tradition. This raises questions about their validity in modern practice.
– ⚠️ **Importance of Choice**: Infant baptism negates the necessity of personal belief, emphasizing the need for informed decisions regarding faith and baptism.
– 📚 **Historical Context**: Understanding the historical evolution of baptism practices provides insight into current traditions, reflecting changing societal values and church teachings.
– 🙏 **Role of Faith**: Belief is presented as the cornerstone of salvation, highlighting that acts like baptism must be accompanied by genuine faith for them to be meaningful.
– ⚡ **Separation of Traditions**: The argument for rearranging baptism and confirmation practices emphasizes that commitment to God should precede ritual acts.
– 🔗 **Covenant Relationship**: Baptism symbolizes a covenant with God, akin to circumcision, but is contingent upon individual belief and commitment, not merely tradition.
– 🌟 **Scripture as Authority**: The emphasis on scripture over tradition calls for a reevaluation of practices within the Catholic Church, advocating for alignment with biblical teachings.

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