Earth of the future: Which Religion will be King?

This is a detailed look into what the world will look like in the future. Many governments and religious groups have their own vision and many make promises they know they cannot keep in order to gain your support.
The Bible ( the word of God), is different than all others, in that its predictions can be taken seriously because of past fulfilled prophecies that have already come to pass –
None greater than the return of Israel to their land 1948 after 2000 years in exile – the land promised to them By God.
The Bible goes into great detail about what the earth will be like With Jesus ( Messiah) as king ruling over the whole Earth –
If you are new to this idea then watch the video and be inspired to read the Bible for yourself. Please comment on the facts presented in this video – we would love to hear what you think!
You can learn more about the Hope of Israel here
Watch in Full HD below – Click Image to play…

We have split this video into component parts in case ecclesias wish to present these at gatherings or special efforts etc.
Below is the playlist – with the full video at the end of the playlist.