Not Suitable for Exhortation! – 2 Studies (Gary Steel)
Synopsis It is a common practice for Sunday lunch to include a discussion on the relevance of the Sunday morning exhortation. During this discussion various levels of enthusiasm for the morning talk might be expressed. There may even have been some discussion at the meeting that morning on the same subject, including a discussion perhaps with the speaker himself. However, in recent years a new expression has crept into post-meeting discussions. The expression is now heard occasionally that the subject addressed that morning was really ‘not suitable for an exhortation’. This two-part series discusses this expression and its ramifications. We hope to show that based on sound Bible instruction, it is the speaker’s responsibility to address issues of sin and bad behaviour that may be creeping into the ecclesia or at least warn against the potential of sinful practices that threaten the ecclesia. The apostle Paul gives a very clear example of such an exhortation, which we will examine in our second session. The ecclesia on a Sunday morning should be presented with what the ecclesia needs to hear, not what the congregation wants to hear.
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