Sermon: The Children of Light.
CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, (@christdelphians) a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God’s Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God’s plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. is dedicated to establishing just how far removed today’s mainstream Christianity is from the ‘True Christian Teachings’ of the 1st Century Apostles.
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Why sermon?? For decades Exhotation has decribed the principle of encouragment from sound doctrine for true believers. Interstingly sermon is decribed by one writer as a ‘tedious speech’. Sermons for those who know the Truth should indeed be tedious, filled as they are with the false doctrines of the churches and compromise with teh world at large.
Hi Andy, Thanks for your question. Why Sermon?, these ‘Exhortations’ that we have named ‘sermons’ have been made publicly available by the contributing ecclesia and because of this they are not only aimed at Christadelphians but also at the general public in the hope they will see why we are a unique community and demonstrate our understanding of the truth. Our exhortations are still called exhortations and are in our members-only area, and usually include the partaking of the emblems along with prayers and hymns and this will not change.
To reach the intended audience we have used ‘sermon’ as this is universally understood by the majority of the Christian community and will appear in search results for those searching that term. Hope that explains our decision for you.
you can access our exhortations here… but you will need to be registered withthe site to access most of them. We have chosen to be guided by Wikipedia’s definition of Sermon found here