The Inner Man – 5 Videos

# The New Creation is that sacred space where God dwells in us, and it is more real than temples made with hands. With God living in us, we are not our own.
# The Inner Man is God’s New Creation. At our baptism into Christ, our Old Man has died with him and we put on the new nature, the image of God that is being renewed in us.
# To be God’s Temple is not a passive thing; it is full of active service. We are called to a vocation, with active roles working together, a royal priesthood even now.
# Practical ideas will help us to walk worthily. Our natural self tells us to seek what cannot satisfy; it actually separates us from God. We must practise Bible principles to develop our Inner Man.
# Our Lord has promised to provide spiritual strength for our Inner Man, when we pray for that to be given to us. We must desire to draw from the wellspring provided by God, and be practising daily to train our Inner Man.
The content for this video were copied from the Suburban Christadelphian Young People (SYP Adelaide). The original content for this video can be found at: – SYP Adelaide exists the inspire young people to the Kingdom of God and for more details about the group please visit: Please note the views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of SYP Adelaide.
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