The Inspiration of the Bible – 4 Part Video Series
There is no doubt to the discerning reader, that the Bible as we know it today, comprised of 66 individual books extant, is the ‘wholly’ inspired word of God.
Perfect and precious in its message to mankind, the creator has seen fit to declare himself to his creation by this means.
We, the created, in our present state with this mortal coil, because of the ‘fall’, are subject to sin and the consequences of it, namely, the destruction of sinful flesh through death – appointed by the righteous judgement of God.
The ‘Word’ of the Living God and our obedience to it, is our only hope of salvation.
This series of studies demonstrate that the Bible, as constituted of the aforementioned 66 books, is complete and entire.
Any willful attempt by man to exclude or undermine a single word of the Holy Writ is guilty of declaring God -A liar!
2 Timothy 3:16 -17
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
Below are videos of the four studies that were given at a special ‘Inspiration Day’ held in Coventry by the Coventry West Ecclesia on 21st May 2016.
Two Speakers, Bro Philip Wetherall (Daventry) and Bro Nigel Bernard (Pembroke) were invited to deal with the following subjects.
1: ‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God’ – Bro Philip
The acceptance of this statement requires diligent application of our minds to those things which have been written aforetime. God has made it very clear that the Bible has come from him and that, as such, every word that he has selected is important. This talk emphasizes the essential nature of verbally inspired Scripture and that it is the means by which man is able to become acquainted with the promises and thereby escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. -Philip Weatherall
2: ‘Comparisons and Alleged Contradictions’ – Bro Nigel
This talk considers the way that scripture interprets scripture. The speaker examines several examples of where a passage contains quotations from another passage. The network of quotations within Scripture is cited as evidence for inspiration. It is shown that true Bible study involves “comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Cor. 2:13). Some alleged contradictions are also considered with possible solutions, but it is emphasized that such apparent contradictions reflect our lack of understanding rather than a fault with the text. – Nigel Bernard
3: ‘The writing of the Old Testament’ – Bro Philip
Evidence is provided in Scripture to show how the Old Testament books having been received by the prophets were delivered to the Levites that they might be preserved. Writings existed from very early times and the books of the Old Testament reveal how later books depend upon those earlier Scriptures. This talk also demonstrates how the writings were utilized at various periods in Israel’s history. – Philip Weatherall
4: ‘The writing of the New testament’ -Bro Nigel
This talk shows that New Testament books were referred to as Scripture and accounted as such from the outset. External evidence is cited to prove the New Testament documents indeed existed in the First Century. The gospel of Luke is examined, showing how Luke was moved to write by the Holy Spirit “from above”. Comments by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7, which are sometimes wrested to claim he was only partially inspired, are shown to be inspired in the same way as the rest of the epistle. Paul’s request to Timothy concerning his cloak is looked at in depth showing that it is truly the Word of God and should not be dismissed as a trivial, non-inspired text. – Nigel Bernard
A number of articles were referred to by both speakers during the studies and we have made most of them available via the links below.