The Resurrection events in the order they happened!

A @Christadelphians Video: Sceptics sometimes challenge Christians to provide an account of the events of Jesus’ resurrection in chronological order. This video does exactly that. It retells the story of the resurrection, leaving nothing of significance out and showing the order of events. The resurrection of Jesus is the central event of Christianity and one of the most important events in the history of the world. It is important to understand that the accounts of the day of the resurrection fit well together, although the way that they do so is far from obvious. The events of the day of the resurrection begin when women who had followed Jesus meet in Jerusalem to visit the tomb of Jesus for the purpose of completing the anointing of his body. They find the tomb empty. While Mary Magdalene leaves immediately to alert some of the Apostles, other women enter the tomb and are met by angels. The women then head off in separate groups, some tell the disciples what has happened, but others are afraid and take no further part in events that day. Peter and John go to the tomb and find it empty. A little later Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb, where she is the first person to see Jesus alive on this day. Other meetings of Jesus continue. At some point Jesus meets Peter the disciple, and on another occasion he meets two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Towards sunset Jesus visits a group of many of his disciples in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. The disciples remain in Jerusalem for some days before travelling to Galilee where they meet him on more occasions, two of which are described in some detail in the Gospels of Matthew and John. Finally they return to Jerusalem, where they stay until the ascension of Jesus 40 days after the resurrection. The account of the day of the resurrection is complicated and involves many events told by different people and recorded in four main accounts (in the Gospels) with additional information in Acts and the letters. However, the accounts fit together and, given their obvious independence, this is strong evidence of their truth and accuracy. Complications may arise in that the writers of the Gospels used the conventions of their day and did not follow modern ways of writing accounts. Thus they might only describe the actions of the one person in whom they are interested within a larger group of people, and might summarise in a way that a modern writer would not. # Summary The presentation describes the sequence of events following Jesus’s resurrection, starting with his crucifixion, burial, and subsequent appearances to his followers. ### Highlights –
📜 **Crucifixion and Burial**: Jesus is crucified by the Romans, and Joseph of Arimathea places his body in his own tomb, sealed with a large stone. –
👮 **Guarding the Tomb**: The chief priests and Pharisees request Roman soldiers to guard the tomb to prevent Jesus’s followers from stealing the body.
🌄 **Discovery of the Empty Tomb**: On the third day, women arrive at the tomb to anoint Jesus’s body but find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. –
👼 **Angel’s Announcement**: An angel informs the women that Jesus has risen, instructing them to tell his disciples. –
🏃 **Disciples’ Confirmation**: Peter and John visit the tomb, find it empty, and believe Jesus has risen. –
💬 **Jesus’s Appearance to Mary**: Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene outside the tomb, confirming his resurrection. –
🚶 **Jesus on the Road to Emmaus**: Jesus appears to two followers on their way to Emmaus, revealing himself during their journey. –
👨👩👧 **Jesus Appears to Women**: Jesus appears to some women returning from the tomb, asking them to inform his disciples.
🛡️ **Authorities’ Cover-Up**: The local authorities bribe soldiers to claim that Jesus’s disciples stole his body while they slept. –
🚪 **Appearance in the Upper Room**: Jesus appears to his disciples in a locked room, showing his wounds and eating fish to prove he is alive.

This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at..
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