The Sabbath – Should Christians keep it?
New series of pamphlets dealing with some of the most basic questions often asked by those seeking the Truth about God.
This article answers the question…
This is believed to be a day of rest to many religious people. Even if we do not follow the strict teaching of some Christian groups, there always seems to be a nagging feeling at the back of our minds that maybe we should be observing this day.
If we read the beginning two chapters of the Bible, we are struck by the account where God Himself ceased His work on the seventh day, and then blessed that day and “sanctified it” or set it apart from the other days (Genesis 2:2-3). If He blessed and set apart this day, shouldn’t we follow God’s example? In fact, isn’t the Sabbath observance one of the Ten Commandments?
So, what should a Christian do?
This is the subject explored in this booklet, but be prepared to be challenged by Jesus’ own explanation of the Sabbath!
Read the whole series here….