What the Bible says about forgiveness.

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Let’s consider the importance of forgiving others, especially in light of how much we are forgiven by our Father in heaven. Our God is full of forgiveness, but there is a requirement that we must meet which Jesus highlights in the model prayer, “as you forgive so shall you be forgiven”.


The video script discusses the importance of forgiveness according to the Bible, emphasizing that Jesus came to achieve forgiveness and that it is a subject worth considering. The script explores Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness and the significance of forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer. It also highlights the idea that forgiveness is not about forgetting but rather choosing not to remember the sins of others. The script concludes by discussing the parable of the ten virgins and the example of forgiveness displayed by Jesus on the cross.

00:01: The Reason God sent his son to the Earth was to achieve forgiveness. 💡
00:05: Forgiveness is an important subject worth considering. 💡
00:36: Forgiveness is emphasized in the Lord’s Prayer and is one of the most important parts. 💡
01:44: The Greek word for forgiveness is also translated as abandon, leave, and let alone. 💡
03:01: The Eskimo language has no word for forgiveness. 💡
06:16: Forgiveness is time-limited, and there will come a time when forgiveness is no longer available. 💡
08:05: Jesus demonstrates forgiveness on the cross by saying, “Father, forgive them.” 💡
Key Insights
💡 Forgiveness is a fundamental principle in Christianity, and the Bible emphasizes its importance.
💡 The Greek word for forgiveness has various translations, which adds complexity to understanding its true meaning.
💡 The lack of a word for forgiveness in the Eskimo language highlights the challenges of explaining forgiveness in different cultures.
💡 Forgiveness is time-limited, and it is important to be prepared and practice forgiveness while there is still an opportunity.
💡 Jesus’ example of forgiveness on the cross demonstrates his love and dedication to achieving forgiveness for humanity.
💡 Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, but rather choosing not to remember someone’s sins.
💡 The parable of the ten virgins teaches the importance of being prepared and ready for forgiveness.

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