You Call me Master and Lord (Gary Steel )

A @Christadelphians Video: You call me master and Lord The purpose of this presentation is to explore the way the Lord Jesus Christ is referred to throughout the New Testament, this exploration was stimulated by the realisation that over recent decades the Lord Jesus Christ has been ’demoted’ to simple ‘Jesus” both in general reference to our Lord in talks and also in the closing of prayers where instead of the specified formula asking all things in the “name of Lord Jesus Christ” the singular name Jesus is used instead. In some cases simply a reference to “in your son’s name” is considered a suitable way to close a pray and has become popular. We propose that this casualisation of our Lord’s name is part of a general trend across a number of areas of Christian practise.

The thoughts we propose in this talk are meant as discussion points rather than absolute dogmatic assertions, however, it is our conviction that the popular way the Lord is referred to these days does not reflect the teaching of scripture on the subject, minimises his work and diminishes his status which was dearly through his life and death. If our argument is faulty in a particular detail, we welcome feedback. To his disciples jesus was master and Lord titles which He acknowledged were appropriate, almighty God designated Jesus as both Lord and Christ a position attained by his sinless life, obedience to death resulting in his resurrection and ascension to the right hand of his father and yet to many today he is simply Jesus, is this appropriate?

# Summary
This PRESENTATION explores the significance of how the Lord Jesus Christ is referred to in the scriptures compared to contemporary usage. It argues that the casual reference to Jesus, often simply as “Jesus,” lacks the respect and reverence found in biblical texts. The speaker emphasises the importance of using appropriate titles, such as “Lord” and “Master,” to honour Jesus and maintain the dignity of the relationship between believers and Christ, especially in prayer.

# Highlights
– 📖 **Biblical Titles Matter**: The presentation stresses that the New Testament consistently refers to Jesus with titles like “Lord” and “Master,” indicating a respectful relationship rather than casual familiarity.
– 🙏 **Closing Prayers**: It suggests that prayers should be concluded with “in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” to acknowledge His authority and the significance of His role in salvation.
– 🌍 **Cultural Casualness**: The speaker notes that the informal approach to addressing Jesus reflects a broader trend of casualness in society, which contrasts with biblical teachings on respect and honour.

# keyword
#Jesus #Respect #Prayer

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