Daily Readings and Thought for December 11th. “SET YOUR HOPE FULLY ON ….”
Is our world in a hopeless condition? The indications that it is are multiplying. The nations are too self-centred to take any effective action over global warming and the weather is getting more extreme. The United Nations are more disunited than ever over many issues, especially over Israel. The money woes of the nations increase and move from crisis to crisis; efforts to achieve disarmament are useless, the economies of some nations depend on making and selling weapons! And above all, efforts at moral reform no longer exist, instead laws are relaxed to allow many unnatural kinds of behaviour, ways of living God deplores.
We saw a lesson related to that last point as we completed reading the prophecy of Nahum against Nineveh today. It had repented at the preaching of Jonah, but the following generations had gone back to their old ways; doom is now pronounced by God, Nahum’s concluding words to them are – “upon whom has not come your unceasing evil.” Through his prophet Zephaniah God said, “I will make Nineveh a desolation, a dry waste like the desert.” [2 v.13] And it happened.
As we start reading Peter’s letters we see how appropriate they are for us. His urgent message is for believers to have a strong faith, to remain steadfast as trials increase. He writes of “the tested genuineness of your faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire – may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” [1 v.7]
The whole chapter is a powerful message, but we took special note of v.13, “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” No half measures will be adequate; as the world becomes even more hopeless,
Peter tells them, “you have been born again” [v.23] and then tells them how! “Born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.” The seed of God’s message must “abide” in our hearts if we really want to prepare “our minds for action.” Jonah’s message to Nineveh had proved to be perishable, the children did not learn the lesson as their parents had. If we are to succeed where the Ninevites failed how vital it is for us to feed on and digest God’s word every day.