Daily Readings and Thought for January 12th. “TAKE HEART, IT IS I”


 Our chapter in Matthew (14) has that fascinating story of the 12 disciples caught in a storm in a boat on Galilee.  Jesus had sent them off alone, after the dramatic feeding of 5,000 “in a desolate place” [v.13] – an event which must have astonished them.

Jesus had heard of the killing of John the Baptist – a heart searching omen for him – and finally he had the chance to be alone “up on the mountain by himself to pray” [v.23] The disciples were in the boat, “but the boat by this time was a long way from land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them.” [v.24]

We can see a parallel here – with ourselves and small congregations of believers alone in the world  – and everything is buffeting us and our faith is struggling. Suddenly they see Jesus but “they were terrified” [v.26]

What are we expecting to see as we live in these last days when the world is in increasing turmoil?  Different things are buffeting us – maybe fires that are out of control – maybe a financial mess; things we had relied upon are suddenly uncertain.   Indeed the “sea and the waves” of mankind are rolling. Luke 21:25 We have been rowing with our spiritual family for so long

Those alive then – and that could be all, or at least most who are reading this, must look and listen for his voice. “Take heart, It is I.  Do not be afraid” [v.27]   When Jesus is in the boat all will become calm and what wonder then will follow. Make sure you are in the boat NOW.

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