Daily Readings & Thought for March 26th. “HOLD FAST MY WORDS”
Today’s readings.. (Numbers 7), (Proverbs 4), (Luke 18)
We “hear” by reading what God has caused to be written preserved and translated – the challenge to all of us is to read and then “accept” into our hearts what we read, so that they become a real influence on the principles by which we guide our lives..
Solomon writes (Proverbs ch. 4) “Let your heart hold fast my words” – this is the vital next stage after we accept them. The first verse tells us that these are “a father’s instruction” on what the acceptance of his words should lead to – “Keep my commandments and live” [v.4] “and whatever you get, get insight” [v.7] We must develop inward vision so that we can reflect on what we have accepted, comparing scripture with scripture so that our understanding becomes increasingly greater.
After saying, “Get insight” Solomon adds, “Prize her highly, and she will exalt you; she will honour you, if you embrace her. She will place on your head a graceful garland; she will bestow on you a beautiful crown” [v.8,9] This poetic language has substantial literal meaning! Recall the thoughts we developed 2 days ago on “the eyes of our hearts.”
In our Luke (ch. 18) reading, Jesus makes the point that his followers must have the attitude of children – for when his disciples tried to stop adults bringing children too him “that he might touch them,” Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” [v.15-17]
As we read God’s word we must have a child-like attitude to “hear” and then “accept” (the) words” we read and then “we will have treasure in heaven” Jesus told a ruler, adding, “and come, follow me.” [v.18,22] The very last chapter in the Bible, the final message of Jesus, tells us that, when Jesus returns, this treasure will be revealed, for I will be “bringing my reward (or recompense) with me to repay everyone for what he has done” [Rev.22 v.12]
So we start by hearing (through reading), then we “accept” and then we “do” what God desires in the way we live using our individual abilities and opportunities to serve God and his Son, our Saviour every day – and then the wonder of the time to come – which is getting ever closer – the time of divine repayment with life in his kingdom on earth , for “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” [Matt. 5 v.5] Will you be there? You make the answer now!