“EVEN A CHILD” – Christadelphian thoughts based on the daily readings for April 10th 2016

“EVEN A CHILD”     We read today in Proverbs that “

We read today in Proverbs that “even a child makes himself known by his acts” [20 v.11], adding, “whether his conduct is pure and upright.”  It is saying that what we actually do – proves what we really are – far more than by what we say.  It is also said that we teach by example, more than words, thus verse 7 tells us, “The righteous walks in his integrity – blessed are his children after him”.   They have been taught by example and often children are more transparent in their actions than adults.

Another interesting proverb is “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out” [v.5]  This proverb causes us to ask – do we fully consider our purpose in doing something?  If we really are a person who considers our ways, thinking carefully about all our intentions, then we will “draw it out” – like one drawing water from a well – but this takes time and effort.

Of course when the Bible uses the word ‘man’ it usually means all human beings, unless the context makes it clear it means a male.  It draws no distinction between boys or girls, “even a child” obviously means both!

Finally, verse 6 is very interesting, ponder what it means.  “Many a man (person) proclaims his (or her) own steadfast love, but a faithful man (person) who can find?”  It is warning us, that so often what we say, what we declare to be our motives, is in many cases, not entirely correct; although it may not be a real lie, because there is an element of truth in it.

How often do we say things “with reservation?”   I have known statements to be made, and agreement to be requested on others “without reservation.”    This is sad, it means we are acknowledging that so often we say things, not fully meaning them, or fully committed to them.  This should not be so among those who are training to become children of God (read Romans 8 v.17) with their destiny in his wondrous kingdom.

Do fully faithful, truthful people exist?  We started by meditating on the artlessness usually seen in children. If we start – and continue – when we are children trying to do this, there is a better chance of us being found to be that kind of person when we are grown up. The sad thing seen so much today is that adults set their children a bad example and “even a child” fails to at least start by walking on God’s narrow way because of this, let us make sure we do not fail in that way. And if we live in circumstances where some children call us ‘Auntie’ or ‘Uncle’ then let us encourage them – with actions supporting our words – to walk with us along God’s narrow way.

By Bro D.Caudery

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