“…. we are perishing” – Bible thoughts from March 17th readings
Our chapter 8 in Luke today, encourages us to continue yesterday’s thoughts on “fear”. We then saw “fear” in the sense of “awe” at the miracle of the ‘resurrection’ by Jesus of a dead body that was being carried out for burial. Today we read in ch. 8 of how Jesus challenged his disciples, “Where is your faith?” [v.25]! Surely, as eye witnesses of the remarkable and various healings Jesus was doing – their faith should have been really strong.
Consider the awesome situation the disciples found themselves in! They were in a boat on Galilee, their Master was asleep in it, but at least Peter and Andrew were experienced fishermen [ch. 1 v.16] and had spent years fishing on the Lake. But it seems it was no ordinary storm that occurred! It is clear their faith was being tested! “…a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water and were in danger.” [v.23]
We wonder if no ordinary storm will soon come down on our world? Will our faith stand the test?
The disciples woke him crying out, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” Jesus “rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm.” Then Jesus said to them, “Where is your faith?” It had been put to the test – and they had failed the test – but Jesus was there to save them from perishing.
Our world is developing “raging waves”! When we come to ch. 21 later this month we will read that when “the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled … there will be … distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding…” [v.24-26] They will be crying out “we are perishing”! Will we also do so?
We may be so stressed that we will say, or at least start to feel this way. But then will hear the voice of Jesus asking, “Where is your faith” – and then the angels appear to “gather his elect … from the ends of the earth” [Mark 13 v.27] A final thought embrace in our hearts – the words of Paul we read early this month, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith … be strong” [1 Cor. 16 v.13]
Our chapter 8 in Luke today, encourages us to continue yesterday’s thoughts on “fear”. We then saw “fear” in the sense of “awe” at the miracle of the ‘resurrection’ by Jesus of a dead body that was being carried out for burial. Today we read in ch. 8 of how Jesus challenged his disciples, “Where is your faith?” [v.25]! Surely, as eye witnesses of the remarkable and various healings Jesus was doing – their faith should have been really strong.
Consider the awesome situation the disciples found themselves in! They were in a boat on Galilee, their Master was asleep in it, but at least Peter and Andrew were experienced fishermen [ch. 1 v.16] and had spent years fishing on the Lake. But it seems it was no ordinary storm that occurred! It is clear their faith was being tested! “…a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water and were in danger.” [v.23]
We wonder if no ordinary storm will soon come down on our world? Will our faith stand the test?
The disciples woke him crying out, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” Jesus “rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm.” Then Jesus said to them, “Where is your faith?” It had been put to the test – and they had failed the test – but Jesus was there to save them from perishing.
Our world is developing “raging waves”! When we come to ch. 21 later this month we will read that when “the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled … there will be … distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding…” [v.24-26] They will be crying out “we are perishing”! Will we also do so?
We may be so stressed that we will say, or at least start to feel this way. But then will hear the voice of Jesus asking, “Where is your faith” – and then the angels appear to “gather his elect … from the ends of the earth” [Mark 13 v.27] A final thought embrace in our hearts – the words of Paul we read early this month, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith … be strong” [1 Cor. 16 v.13]