Common 2015 Theme: Against My People Israel

Common 2015 Theme: Against My People Israel

As the world reflects on 2015, a common theme appears: Terrorism. Yet the world focusses its rebuke on Israel.  Click ...
The Real Jesus - Who is he and why should we listen to him?

The Real Jesus – Who is he and why should we listen to him?

Visit for more great articles like this.... The Real Christ Jesus the Son of God Listen in MP3 Format   ...
Turkey pokes the Russian Bear The grand coalition against ISIS is growing to include Germany along with France, while Turkey pokes the Russian Bear

Turkey pokes the Russian Bear The grand coalition against ISIS is growing to include Germany along with France, while Turkey pokes the Russian Bear

Visit for much more .... Germany joins France while Turkey pokes the Russian Bear The grand coalition against ISIS is ...
NEW VIDEO: 'ISIS' CLAIM THEY DOWNED AIRBUS A321! Syria & Middle East In Chaos - End Time Prophecy

NEW VIDEO: ‘ISIS’ CLAIM THEY DOWNED AIRBUS A321! Syria & Middle East In Chaos – End Time Prophecy

The Middle East at Boiling Point! 'VIDEO WITH TRANSCRIPT' - produced in association with '' Israel, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Saudi ...
Horrific Stabbings of Jews in Jerusalem -Vatican has designs on temple mount!

Horrific Stabbings of Jews in Jerusalem -Vatican has designs on temple mount!

The Vatican Targets the Ancient High Places In the wake of horrific violence against Jews the suggested solution is the ...
Russia Moves into Syria - Sign of Christ's Coming!

Russia Moves into Syria – Sign of Christ’s Coming!

On the 8th Oct 2015 at the Nottingham Christadelphian Hall, Mr Mark Allfree gave a public lecture on the subject ...
Conflict in Syria - preparing the way for the King of the North in the light of the Bible Prophecy

Conflict in Syria – preparing the way for the King of the North in the light of the Bible Prophecy

Conflict in Syria - preparing the way for the King of the North The conflict in Syria in the light ...
Russian troops and equipment pour into Syria - Is The Time of the End upon us?

Russian troops and equipment pour into Syria – Is The Time of the End upon us?

For more information and other articles and broadcasts relating to Bible Prophecy in the news visit The world is ...
Egypt being prepared for invasion by the 'King of the North': End Time Bible Prophecy

Egypt being prepared for invasion by the ‘King of the North’: End Time Bible Prophecy

Visit for articles going back to 2006 and to subscribe and download the pod cast.... Egypt has been going through ...
Daily Readings & Thought for June 20th. “WHO PERVERT THE GRACE OF OUR GOD”

Daily Readings & Thought for June 20th. “WHO PERVERT THE GRACE OF OUR GOD”

Today's readings.. (Ruth 1,2), (Isaiah 44), (Jude) The 25 verse epistle of Jude, the “brother of James” [v.1] and therefore ...