In Defence of our Faith

This page has been set up as a resource for Christadelphians to quickly find those spiritual defences to our faith – allowing us quickly to establish biblical truth by turning to God’s word. The page is set up to defend both false doctrines from other religions and common contentious issues found within ecclesial life that on occasions need to be confronted. Much of the editorial content relies heavily on the defences set out within Wrested Scriptures by Bro. Ron Abel.

Where possible each section includes our suggested video presentations as well as articles and links on the various topics. This is very much a work in progress, and as such each section will offer the ability to comment on suggested helpful links, verses, and arguments. We will continually update the contents of the site as new material is provided.

Table of Contents
Immortality of the Soul

It is useful in discussion to lead the conversation by well-chosen questions which guide the disputant to the desired conclusion without having to tell him so. This approach reduces the “loss of face” which can be a barrier to further profitable discussion.

This is especially true of discussion on the death state in which the loss of loved ones may prejudice a reasoned consideration of the evidence.

The following questions are samples:
a) How can it be said that Christ brought immortality to light (2 Tim. 1:10) if man has been immortal since Adam?
b) How can immortality be sought for (Rom. 2:7) if it is already a present possession?
c) If Adam had an immortal soul, why was he thrust out of the garden that he might not “live forever”? (Gen 3:22).
d) If the souls of the righteous go to heaven at death, why a resurrection? (Usually the reply is, “for the purpose of Judgment,” but this implies that souls are rewarded first, and then judged!)

2. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul destroys the arguments whereby the New Testament writers affirm the resurrection of the dead.
a) “If Christ be not raised . . . then they which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.” (1 Cor 15:17,18). But how can these dead saints be said to be sleeping if their souls (the real saints) are already in heaven, and how can it be said that these saints would perish unless Christ be raised, if their immortal souls go to bliss at death?
b) The Apostle Paul said, “If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not?” (1 Cor 15:32). If the soul is immortal (and hence can enjoy heavenly bliss separated from the body) why does the Apostle stress “if the dead rise not”? Why the concern for the body if the soul can enjoy bliss without the body?

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Establish eternal life is a GIFT, and DEATH is our natural state without our saviour.
  2. The Bible is clear that our hope is in a RESURRECTION
  3. The SOUL is subject to death.
  4. The SOUL is able to be saved,
  5. An Assurance that despite death the faithful will see their redeemer – but not until THE LATTER Days (ie. Resurrection)
  6. Our hope summarized in a verse.

These are our suggested videos on this topic, you can see all available videos on the immortal soul
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A Reward in Heaven?

The dead lie unconscious in the grave; they suffer no pain, but “sleep in the dust of the earth” (Daniel 12:2). The widespread idea that man possesses an “immortal soul” and goes on living after death (usually “in heaven”) is definitely not a Bible teaching. The Church of England Commission which produced in 1945 its report ‘Towards the Conversion of England’, stated clearly that the idea of the immortal soul “owes its origin to Greek, not Biblical, sources” (page 23). The theory was early absorbed into the teaching of the Church from paganism, and is an important example of a number of changes in original Christian beliefs made over the centuries.

Heaven going always needs to be dealt with using compassion, and we need to be mindful interested friends likely have loved ones that they think as somehow still existing. As always we need to rely on God’s word unfolding its message.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Establish the Bible’s clear teaching that some “sleep” awaiting a resurrection
  2. Reward or condemnation is your choice to make
  3. Resurrection from the dead is the reward set forward in the Bible.
  4. The Reward is yet “COMING”
  5. Death is a punishment for sin, not a gateway to a reward in heaven.
  6. God wants all to accept him.

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Hell – A Place of Torment?

All go to hell when death comes. Even Jesus was no exception (see Acts 2:25-31). It is not, however, a fearful place where those who have not satisfied God’s requirements suffer eternal torment by  fire.

Its meaning must be derived from the original Hebrew and Greek words used and be in harmony with overall Scriptural teaching. This teaching is that the bodies of the responsible dead wait to be regenerated and brought to life again at the return of Jesus so that all might receive the decision of the righteous judge. Those accounted worthy will be made immortal and inherit the earth (they do not go to heaven). Those accounted as not worthy of immortality will perish (they do not suffer eternal torment in the raging fires of an imaginary  hell).

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Establish the bibles clear teaching the Grave is nor a place of torment
  2. The Faithful will be “resurrected” from the grave (Sheol/Hell)
  3. Confirmation of the previous verses
  4. Punishment is DEATH, which is complete unconsciousness
  5. Death is not the end, but we will be delivered from the grave (Hades)
  6. Death entered the world through Adam, in Christ we can be made alive.

These are our suggested videos on this topic, you can see all available videos on hell
Below are other articles and booklets directly or indirectly related to this topic
  1. Heaven and Hell – What the Bible Teaches
  2. After Death, What?
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Scriptures consistent message is that there is a resurrection. From Abraham being promised a land he never received ( Gen 15:18 ) to the righteous being referred to as “sleeping” the Bible constantly re-affirms death is not the end for the righteous. Paul states that the resurrection is the reason for our labour ( 1 Cor 15:32 )

This clear Bible teaching runs contrary to the common belief of heaven going, it useful to show that this is the belief given by many faithful in the Bible, Abraham (Heb 11:19), Daniel (Dan 12:2) Job (Job 19:26-27) Isaiah (Isa 26:19) and Martha ( John 11:23-24 )to name a few.

With the Bible’s teaching firmly established, consider the question as to how this fits with heaven going and an immortal soul? Does it make sense for an immortal soul to go back to a body that then needs to be judged? God’s word is not out to trick us, and its teaching is clear.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Establish the Bible’s clear teaching the dead will be raised
  2. Show we have no existence other than our bodily form
  3. Redemption of our bodies, our hope is only in a bodily resurrection
  4. Shows God’s promises yet unfilled – Necessitates Abraham’s resurrection
  5. Shows personal testimony from the faithful of this belief
  6. Like Martha, we too know that the dead in Christ will arise on that great day of the resurrection

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Theistic Evolution

A current trend in popular thinking is that all living things evolved through random modification and subsequent natural selection. The commonly resulting belief is “Theistic Evolution”: an attempt to combine the Creation and Evolution theories. Theistic evolutionists believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, yet also believe man’s existence on Earth to be derived from millions of years of evolution.

Where evolution requires death, time and gradual improvements the Bible clearly states Adam was the first man and he had no help meet (Gen 2:18-20) (so no direct evolutionary descendants) It also states death does not enter the human race until Adam and Eve both ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17). A belief in the Bible and a belief in the origins of man being through a process of gradual improvements is therefore not tenable, and must be rejected.

The underlying Bible principle found in Jude 3 is to defend the flock from such modern ideas, an idea also urged in Paul’s letter in 1 Timothy 6:20-21

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. God is not the author of confusion
  2. Death began at Adam, yet evolution would require hundreds of generations of death to progress forward.
  3. Adam was the first “Son of God” and did not have anticedants as required by evolution.
  4. Eve called “Mother of all”
  5. Summary of the creation plan, highlighting it took 6 days, not millions of years, to populate the Earth with all living things.
  6. Through one man comes death (Adam).  Through Christ life.

This is also a fantastic multi-part study on theistic evolution . The speaker has requested it be password protected so please contact us with your name and ecclesia for it to be provided.

These are our suggested videos on this topic, you can see all available videos on Theistic evolution 
Below are other articles and booklets directly or indirectly related to this topic

“Creation Not Evolution”

“Creation Not Evolution”

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The continuing discovery of an abundant species of living flora and fauna upon this Earth would not be so amazing were it not that ours is the only planet exhibiting any life at all! The wonder, complexity and harmony of life speaks to us of a ...
Evolution, the Devil and the Atonement - 2 Videos

Evolution, the Devil and the Atonement – 2 Videos

Description:  Understanding the symbolism (metonymy and personification) of language, assists to rightly interpret Bible teaching. Dealing first with the condition of human nature the difference between ‘sin in the flesh’ and the actions of sin. Its cause and effects are clearly explained. The Atonement is the means of bringing salvation ...
Questions Evolution Cannot Answer 2- Videos

Questions Evolution Cannot Answer 2- Videos

Description: The universe is governed by laws and God as the overseer of these laws, says that the breaking of these laws has consequences. The earth has perfect placement, tilt, spin and design to support life. Examples are given of the complexity of the natural world compared with man's constructions ...
Are Genesis 1 and 2 two different creation stories? Theistic Evolution - Bible Study Series

Are Genesis 1 and 2 two different creation stories? Theistic Evolution – Bible Study Series

The theistic evolutionists suggest that Genesis 1 gives a transcendent description of God but in Genesis 2 we have a more anthropomorphic depiction (human characteristics applied to God), and that this is good evidence for Genesis 1 and 2 representing two differing stories. Are Genesis 1 and 2 two different ...
Creation not Evolution Articles by Brother James McCann

Creation not Evolution Articles by Brother James McCann ...
*NEW BOOK*! - By one Man - with free supplementary material as downloadable .pdf

*NEW BOOK*! – By one Man – with free supplementary material as downloadable .pdf

By One Man is a response to the challenge of Evolutionary Creation, or any view, which proposes that God evolved humans from primaeval life forms as His method of creation. By One Man reviews the evidence from both Scripture and Christadelphian writers and concludes that Evolutionary Creation is incompatible with Bible teaching ...
Is the firmament of Genesis chapter 1 solid?

Is the firmament of Genesis chapter 1 solid?

Introduction: Is the firmament of Genesis chapter 1 solid? Introduction There is a view that is gaining currency within Christadelphian circles that Genesis chapter 1, far from being a true historical account of the origins of the heavens and the earth, is a polemic against ancient near eastern mythology. It is seen ...


 Over the next few weeks, we will be serialising a paper by Bro B.Burt (Cov West) for those who did not see it when it was first published. We will reproduce this in short ‘snippets’ to make it easier to digest and comment upon should you wish to do so ...


Over the next few weeks we will be serializing this fascinating article that recently appeared in the Bible Magazine (Fall 2015)- The result of a lifetime of study, Bro Don has put together this extensive document, that we hope will assist those who have struggled with this fundamental subject, helping ...
**NEW BOOK*A Challenge to Theistic Evolution from Biblical and Scientific perspectives

**NEW BOOK*A Challenge to Theistic Evolution from Biblical and Scientific perspectives

Theistic evolution (or God directed evolution, GDE) has been the subject of several other publications. However, in A Challenge to Theistic Evolution we examine the belief that God created current life on earth through evolution from the Biblical and scientific standpoint. We hope that combining the two perspectives in a ...
*NEW BOOK*! - A Challenge to Theistic Evolution .pdf

*NEW BOOK*! – A Challenge to Theistic Evolution .pdf ...
Fearfully and wonderfully made!

Fearfully and wonderfully made!

A Christadelphian Video; Description: While modern science has discovered so much of human and animal life, it has NOT discovered how life dependent OXYGEN provided effective "life giving" existence. It is evident that it took infinite intelligence to create the complex world. God, as the creator and sustainer of our ...
The challenge of the teaching of Theistic Evolution - Mr. John Martin

The challenge of the teaching of Theistic Evolution – Mr. John Martin

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The theory of evolution and theistic evolution does not elevate God as an intelligent and supreme creator. God's revelations enables men to strive for high moral ground, bringing the HOPE of a life beyond this imperfect world, as it is at present.[post-content id=105350 shortcodes=true] ...
Why theistic evolution cannot be true!

Why theistic evolution cannot be true!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The theory of evolution and theistic evolution does not elevate God as an intelligent and supreme creator. God's revelations enables men to strive for high moral ground, bringing the HOPE of a life beyond this imperfect world, as it is at present. ...
Evidence for God in Science

Evidence for God in Science

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Science and the Bible do not need to be at odds with one another. In fact, scientific critical thinking about the Universe and the very finely adjusted set of conditions which allow life to exist on our planet are confirmed by an open-minded searching of the ...
Creation for Christadelphians: Video series

Creation for Christadelphians: Video series

A Christadelphian Video: Description: A careful analysis of the Hebrew words used are compared with their use throughout the Scripture. Some creation theories of scientists are examined. The very beginning started with God who through his power, created. The speaker reasons concerning various theories. ...
The Dangers of Theistic Evolution

The Dangers of Theistic Evolution

A Christadelphian Video: Description: This video shows how Theistic Evolution is an attempt to change the unchangeable word of the creator God to make it fit with so-called scientific evidence. The video shows how Theistic Evolution is incompatible with the Bible and the Christadelphian Statement of Faith ...


To appreciate why Brother John is well suited to present the scientific considerations in the following videos, please read the following about his background and credentials: Bro. John has a long scientific career and is a well-known Bible student and speaker.  John joined the University of Michigan faculty as professor ...
Challenges to the Faith: 6 Videos

Challenges to the Faith: 6 Videos*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site...                      #2 Our podcast on Spotify..      #3 Our podcast on Apple.        ...
Theistic Evolution: A Threat to Bible Truth

Theistic Evolution: A Threat to Bible Truth

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The theory of God’s creation undergoing the process of evolution, is examined. Several evolutionary arguments are looked at and well explained in non-scientific language. The Bible record leaves no doubt as to God’s intention and ability.Theistic Evolution A Threat to Bible Truth ...
Science Vs God

Science Vs God

A Christadelphian Video; This talk is an excellent appraisal of the apparent conflict between God and science. The speaker reviews the historic 'battleground' and shows that these topics are not always mutually exclusive. He gives a brief account of what science is and how it reaches it's conclusions, and then ...

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The Bible is clear that baptism is essential for salvation, it says “whosoever believes and is baptized shall be saved”  (Mark 15:15-16) It is therefore essential that baptism comes after belief in the word of God – and as such baptism of infants and baptism without correct understanding cannot be the baptism of the Bible.

The symbolic act of baptism, burying the old self and washing away sins is a clear Bible teaching. It requires you understand what you are doing, and it requires a symbolic immersion into water.  This is different to many who consider splashing water over an infant a true baptism. The following resources will explore the important Biblical truth on the topic.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Baptism essential for salvation
  2. Belief essential for Biblical baptism
  3. Baptism is a washing of sins
  4. Baptism linked with a symbolic burial, and a newness of life.

These are our suggested videos on this topic, you can see all available videos on baptism 
Below are other articles and booklets directly or indirectly related to this topic
  1. Why Baptism Really Matters
  2. What is Baptism About?
  3. Baptism
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The theory of evolution has been an onslaught on the belief in a God. It is systematically taught in the school systems, and professed as fact everywhere you look. The belief in a God has been denigrated in favour of this modern thinking. However, evolution is a theory not backed by facts. Defending your faith to someone who has a belief in evolution requires you to show firstly that the theory of evolution is firstly flawed, and that it is in direct contradiction of the sure evidences we have that God is indeed working all around us, from the sheer complexity of our planet, to the outworking of incredible prophecies.

It’s important to note, that often people strongly professing evolution simply do not want to believe in God, the people who just go along with “modern thinking” are the ones that you can potentially open their eyes. Those who immerse themselves in the word of God look at the world around them with different eyes ( Psalm 119:130 ). Where we give glory to the Creator of the heavens and the earth, evolutionists put their faith in chance happenings.

It’s hard to argue evolution from the stand point of the Bible, when someone does not even believe its validity. The presenters in the videos we showcase here take differing angles, from the complexity of nature to prophecy.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Man’s privileged position in the hierarchy of nature.
  2. The wonderment of nature a testimony to gods creation
  3. An example of man’s denial of truth.
  4. The way of righteousness

Debates on evolution tend not to follow scriptural verses, it’s imperative that the veracity of the Bible is first proven because the verses above will do little for a non believer.  As a result the videos in the next section take differing paths, mostly choosing to prove and demonstrate creation from nature itself, using its fascinating complexities and revealing the finger prints of our Creator.

These are our suggested videos on this topic, you can see all available videos on evolution 
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List coming soon

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This is a commonly misunderstood topic, that ultimately results in people reading the Bible with misconceptions and preconceived ideas mainly because devils, Satan and demons are commonly personified in the media as specific people or things. The Bible also personifies the phrase usually as a representation of sin.

When we turn to our Bibles we quickly  discover that the word for adversary is Satan, and this word is used on multiple occasions to multiple people. The word for devil is also translated as slanderer, by just changing the word and trying to remove preconceptions verses often make more sense to interested friends. The way the Bible personifies and uses the phrases Satan and devil can often cause confusion.  The section in Wrested Scripture is particularly helpful when discussing some of the more difficult verses, and the video section will give you a broad overview of the topic.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. An Angel is referred to as Balaam’s adversary (Satan)
  2. Peter called “Satan” – simply meant he was being an adversary to Christ.
  3. By human nature, Jesus destroys the devil – a good verse showing the personification as sin. Here it says the devil has the power over death, but this is actually talking about sin – it is SIN that causes death as we will see in the final verse.
  4. The wages of SIN are death.

These are our suggested videos on this topic, you can see all available videos on evolution 
Below are other articles and booklets directly or indirectly related to this topic

Where does Evil Come From?

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Pre-Existence of Christ

Superstition on this subject dictates that Christ pre-existed before his birth, the Bible however informs us quite concisely of his lineage, as a promised son prophesied of throughout the old testament. This false doctrine is strongly linked to that of the trinity, despite numerous verses opposing this view, for example the fact that Jesus constantly prayed to his father eg. Matt. 26:39 this confusing belief is still strongly held.

Many verses that are used to back up this false belief go contrary to nature itself, and often use verses taken out of context, Wrested Scriptures is again in invaluable resource to look at specific verses, especially worth a read as believers in the existence of Christ will quote verses in a way that you may not have considered if you have not been exposed to this way of thinking, often quite contrary to what the text actually says.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Positive statement affirming Christ is the son of God, not the same.
  2. Links and expands on previous proof.
  3. Scripture states Christ is a mediator between man and God.
  4. Christ’s lineage : David is repeatedly referred to as the forefather of Christ, how could this be if Christ pre-existed before David?

Below are other articles and booklets directly or indirectly related to this topic

Jesus: God the Son or Son of God?

The Trinity

Jesus, The Son of God

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Spirit Gifts

The Holy Spirit is the power of God. (Lk. 1: 35). Consequently, what the Holy Spirit does is really what God is doing. For example, the “Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit . . . shall teach you all things” (Jn. 14:26) means simply: “God shall teach you all things through his divine power.”

The spirit gifts are given for a purpose, namely in the new testament it was to establish the gospel.

The Holy Spirit is the power of God. (Lk. 1: 35). Consequently, what the Holy Spirit does is really what God is doing. For example, the “Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit . . . shall teach you all things” (Jn. 14:26) means simply: “God shall teach you all things through his divine power.”

The spirit gifts are given for a purpose, namely in the new testament it was to establish the gospel.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Spirit gifts – by “laying on of hands” by the APOSTLES.
  2. Spirit gifts to be done away when the “greater is come” (the Bible in its completion)
  3. The purpose of the gifts was to teach the good news.
  4. Notice that this talks about having spirit gifts UNTIL a certain point

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The Trinity

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Wearing of Hats

Paul talks about head coverings in 1 Cor 11:3, his reasonings are based upon the divine hierarchy in Gen 1:26

God is first in status, rank, authority & power — then Christ — then Man — then Woman. Our relationship one to another must reflect the authority of this divine order.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

  1. Let her be covered – Key verse for this Bible principle.
  2. Reasons for the head covering are listed, it is clear the reasons are not cultural and are relevant today.
  3. The divine order of creation.
  4. The divine order echoed.

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Central to the message of salvation in the Bible is God’s chosen race of Israel and the land which He gave to them. It was from this nation and to this land that His only begotten Son came, with the promise, made to his mother, that “the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Lk. 1:32,33).

This ‘throne of David’ was the royal seat of the Kingdom of Israel in Jerusalem, which was promised by God to David’s descendants and therefore ultimately to Jesus himself (1 Chron. 17:11,12; 28:5; 29:23). Jerusalem is therefore identified as the future location of the rulership of the Lord Jesus Christ over the Kingdom of God; it will assume the role of the capital city of his worldwide régime.

“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King” (Ps. 48:2); “Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together: whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the LORD” (122:2-4); “Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God” (87:3).

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What is the Kingdom of God?

The great message of the Bible is that God created the earth and mankind upon it for a purpose. The Bible teaches that God is intending to establish a world-wide kingdom on earth, with His son Jesus Christ as king. When that happens, the world will be filled with “the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” Habakkuk 2:14. Clearly this is not yet the case, and the promised kingdom is still in the future. Thus Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Thy kingdom come.”

We reject the doctrine – that the Kingdom of God is “the church.” This statement contains the foundation principles of what Christadelphians believe, it is not used in place of the Bible – only as a summary of the Bible’s teachings.

It outlines the gospel message and the true Bible teaching of the plan of God and how we can be associated with it. It is through a belief in these foundation principles (the gospel), their associated doctrines and baptism that one becomes “in” Christ, a brother or sister of Christ, an heir to the promises of old and in fellowship with other fellow believers, God and Jesus Christ.“That at that time (before baptism) ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world”.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth
  1. Matthew 4:23  – The kingdom was the main message of Christ’s teaching.
  2. Luke 9:1-2 – His disciples preached it.
  3. Acts 8:12 Acts 20:25 – The apostles preached it.
  4. 2 Samuel 7:12-14 & Luke 1:30-33 – Jesus Christ is the great king.
  5. Daniel 7:27 & Revelation 5:9-10 -The rulership is to be shared by the faithful.
  6. Psalm 48:2 & Matthew 5:35 – It will be centred in Jerusalem.
  7. Daniel 2:44-45 & Daniel 7:13-14 & Revelation 11:15 – It will spread over all the world displacing the present systems of rule.
  8. Isaiah 2:2-4 & Psalm 72: 1-8 – It will be a time blessing for all people.
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  1. The Kingdom of God (With notes)
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The Kingdom of God is not now established
God’s future kingdom on earth is a major theme of the Bible. Yet up to this point in time, it is still in the future. The faithful of all ages wait for the great day when it will become a reality in the earth with the return of the King himself, the Lord Jesus Christ, from heaven.
Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

Matthew 27:11 – Jesus is the King of the Jews
John 18:36 – But his kingdom belongs to a different order of things.
Luke 19:11-29 – He spoke a parable teaching that he would go away to heaven, and then return to take control of his kingdom.
Matthew 6:10 – He told his disciples to pray for the kingdom to come.
Matthew 6:33 – He told his disciples to seek for that kingdom.
Acts 1:6 – He explained that it is not for us to know when the kingdom will be established.
Luke 21:29-31 – But he gave us signs to know when it is near.
Isaiah 2:2-3 & Isaiah 37:21-23 & Matthew 19:28-29 & 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10
– Many things predicted to happen when the kingdom is established, have clearly not yet happened.

The gospel was associated by Christ with the establishment of a kingdom in a time appointed of God. His mission was to preach “the gospel (good tidings) of the kingdom of God” (Mark 1:14). He called on all men to “believe these good tidings”, and announced himself as the King of the kingdom they proclaimed (John 18:37). So much did he preach about this kingdom that the people became impatient, and sought to “ take him by force and make him king.” But he would not permit it, and “because they thought that the kingdom of God was immediately to appear, he spake a parable to them” (Luke 19:11).
He gave them to understand that before the kingdom could be established, he must first take a journey into a far country to receive his full authority, and then return; when he would bestow upon his servants power over the cities
of the world (Luke 19:11-26). According to this arrangement, Jesus was crucified, rose from the dead (Acts 2:23-24), and ascended to the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens (Acts 1:9-11), where he is at the present time. He has not yet received the kingdom, glory and dominion, or he would have already returned. In the time appointed (now near at hand) he will return, to establish upon earth his kingdom, and to rule as king over all mankind (Acts 3:20-21; Zechariah 14:9).

Verses to show The Kingdom Of God is ‘NOT’ the Church

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The Millenium

The word “millennium” means a period of a thousand years. This is the period allotted to the kingdom of Christ. Revelation 20:1-6 tells us that Christ will reign for a thousand years, along with the faithful worthies who will then be immortal. All opposition, given the symbolic names of the Devil and Satan, will be suppressed in that time. What will life be like in these days when the world will be under the righteous rule of the Lord Jesus Christ? Think about the needs of mankind, and we will find that all these needs will be abundantly met in that millennial age. It will be a time of great blessing on the earth

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

1) Micah 4:4 – Security
2) Psalm 72:16 – Sufficient Food
3) Isa 35:4-6 – Health
4) Col 3:10-15 – Good Relationships
5) Matt 19:27-29 – Sense of Purpose
6) Matt 5:3-10 – Social Harmony
7) Isa 2:4 – International Peace
8) Isa 35:10 – Special Occasions
9) Psalm 72:12-13 – Beautiful Surroundings
10) Isa 11:1-9 – Kind Fair Government

The gospel , therefore, is prophetic of the purpose of God in the earth. It was styled by the apostles “the good tidings of Christ” (Romans 15:19), the “good tidings of God” (Romans 1:1), and the “good tidings of peace” (Ephesians 6:15). Paul taught that the gospel had its root in the Old Testament, and in its simplest form could be expressed in seven words. He wrote: “God …preached the gospel (good tidings ) unto Abraham, saying: “In thee shall all nations be blessed.” (Galatians3:8).


These seven words epitomise the purpose of God. They centre attention on earth and not heaven as the arena where His purpose will be manifested. They teach that He intends to intervene in world affairs and establish a kingdom under the rulership of Christ which will bring blessings of peace and righteousness everywhere. In the same chapter, ( v. 26-28), the apostle Paul shows also that God is calling men to Him by the power of the gospel, that they may be the associates of Christ in the day of his glory, when he shall reign from Jerusalem (Jeremiah 3:17) over the whole world. (Daniel 2:44.)


Hundreds of references could be quoted from different parts of the Bible, for all its sixty-six books proclaim the same grand message. Christ, the apostles, and the prophets were all united in one great hope. They looked forward to coming changes in human affairs when the evils of man’s rule will be replaced by the wise administration of a theocracy ruled over by the Lord Jesus and his resurrected and immortalised followers. This will bring about such an alteration in human relationships, as to cause men to become a mutual blessing instead of a mutual curse as at the present.


Key To The Understanding of the Scriptures. H.P. Mansfield p26-27

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The promises God made and why they are important today

We live on a vast planet that seems to be hurtling towards self-destruction. Generations come, stay for a while, and pass off the scene. Is there any purpose to our lives here on earth? Is a short time on the world’s stage and then oblivion all there is? The Bible gives us a hugely encouraging answer. Within its pages are the wonderful promises He has made.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

1) Ecclesiastes 9:2-3      –  All men Die
2) Ephesians 2:12 – Without God and Christ, we have no hope.
3) 2 Peter 1:4 – But God has given great promises
4) 2 Timothy 1:1 – God’s promise is about life.
5) Titus 1:2 – Not just life, but eternal, or everlasting life.
6) James 2:5 – God’s promise is about a kingdom.
7) Hebrews 9:15 – God’s promise is about an eternal Inheritance.
8) Acts 26:6-7 – God’s promises were first given to the Jewish fathers, and were Paul’s hope.
9) Hebrews 11:39-40 – In New Testament times, the promises had not yet been fulfilled, waiting for others to share in them
10) Ephesians 3:3-7 – The promises were not just for Jews, but also for Gentiles.
11) Galatians 3:26-29 -By faith and baptism, we can become heirs of the promise of God.

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The promise to Noah

Some people think that the earth will one day be destroyed in a great conflagration, or that all life on earth will be destroyed by the effects of climate change. But though the Bible predicts great judgments to come on wicked people, yet we have God’s sure word that there will not be global destruction.  God has a purpose with the earth, and that purpose  requires that the earth remains in a habitable state forever. The Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles Peter and Paul all support the truth about Noah and the flood that occurred in his day.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

1) Gen 6:5-8      – Noah lived in a time of great wickedness
2) Genesis 6:14-22  –  God instructed Noah to make a large boat.
3) Genesis 7:17-23   – Noah and his family were saved when a worldwide flood destroyed all life on earth.
4) Genesis 8:13-17  – After the flood Noah and the animals in the ark began life anew on the earth.
5) Genesis 8:20 – In thankfulness Noah offered sacrifices to God.
6) Genesis 8:21-22 – In response, God gave Noah a promise that
7) Genesis 9:8-11 – He would never again destroy all life on earth.
8) Genesis 9:12-16 – God confirmed His promise with the sign of the rainbow.
9) Hebrews 11:39-40 – In New Testament times, the promises had not yet been fulfilled, waiting for others to share in them
10) Matthew 24:37-38 – Though God has promised never again to flood the whole earth, yet Jesus warns that there will be judgment on the wicked world at his second coming.
11) 2 Peter 2:5,9  – Just like with Noah, God will separate the godly from the wicked in the future – saving the godly as He did Noah.

Coming shortly…

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The promises to Abraham

The life of Abraham is recorded in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. But such was the importance of this man in God’s purpose that he is mentioned in 26 other books of the Bible, from Exodus to 2 Peter.  The promises made to Abraham become a key theme of scripture, and are spoken of by the apostle Paul as “the gospel” in Galatians 3:8. Far from being ancient history, these promises are an essential part of the hope of the Bible, and are very relevant to all who hope for the kingdom of God.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

Genesis 12:2-3 – The four-part promise given to Abraham when left his homeland in Chaldea at God’s instruction.

Genesis 12:7 – The land of Canaan, later known as Israel, is promised to the seed or descendant of Abraham.

Genesis 13:14-17 – The extent of the promised land is further

Genesis 15:18 – defined, and is to be given to Abraham and his seed forever.

Genesis 15: 12-17 – Abraham was dramatically shown that the things promised to him would be given after his death; thus foreseeing his resurrection.

Genesis 22:17-18  – Abraham is promised both a multitude of descendants, and one prominent descendant who would have power to subdue all enemies and bring blessings to mankind.

Isaiah 41:8 – The promise initially relates to the seed or

Romans 11:1 – natural descendants of Abraham, who became the nation of Israel.

Romans 4:16 – The promises also belong to any who follow in

Galatians 3:9 – the faith of Abraham.

Matthew 1:1 –  Jesus Christ is the pre-eminent seed of Abraham

Galatians 3:16  – through whom all the promises will be fulfilled.

Acts 7:5 – Yet Stephen tells us that Abraham did not receive the land promised to him.

Hebrews 11:13,39-40 – Paul explains that the promises to Abraham and his sons had not yet been fulfilled because God was going to include others in the blessing.

Acts 26:6 – Paul says that he is still waiting in hope of the fulfilment of the promises made to Israel’s fathers – that is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Acts 13:32-33 – In an address to the people of Antioch he told them that the fulfilment of these promises involved the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Luke 20:35-38 – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be raised to life eternal

Luke 13:28 – and at that time will receive the promised reward in the kingdom.

Galatians 3:6-9 – The promise to Abraham included universal blessings

Galatians 3:14 – to come, and this is described by Paul as the gospel, i.e. good news of the kingdom.

Galatians 3:26-29 – By being baptised into Christ, we can being become sharers of the great promises to Abraham – life forever in the wonderful land of promise in the kingdom of God.

BASIC BIBLE PRINCIPLES: God’s Promises to Araham


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The promises to David

King David was the greatest king in the history of Israel. Having been specially chosen by God to be king, he led the people both militarily and spiritually. He planned for the great temple to be built in Jerusalem, and organised the pattern of worship, guided by God’s holy spirit. It was to this great king that God gave another far-reaching promise concerning a son who would be an even greater king, and who would rule forever.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

2 Samuel 7:4,8 – The prophet Nathan was sent to relay the word of God to David.

2 Samuel 7:12  – After David’s death, one of his direct descendants would be set up by God as king.

2 Samuel 7:13 – This king would reign forever, and would build a house for God.

Zechariah 6:12-13 – This kingly son of David would build a literal temple

Ephesians 2:19-22  –  Figuratively, he would also build a spiritual temple, consisting of faithful believers.

2 Samuel 7:14 – Though a descendant of David, God declares that He would be his Father.

Luke 1: 27-35 – Jesus Christ was born of Mary who was a direct descendant of David, but was conceived miraculously, having God as his Father.

2 Samuel 7:16 – The promised house and throne would be established forever, and includes the words “before thee”, ie. David would see this, thus inferring that he would be raised to life again.

2 Samuel 7: 18-19- David understood that the promise related to things far off in the future.

Isaiah 9:6-7 – The prophet Isaiah elaborates on the promise.

Psalm 132:11 – The promise made to David is irrevocable.

Matthew 1:1 – The New Testament confirms that Jesus is that promised descendant of David.

Acts 2:29-36 –  Peter and Paul explain that Jesus Christ is the  promised son of David.

Revelation 11:15 –  We await  that great day when Christ will take his place on the throne of David and reign on earth forever.

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Why does God allow suffering?

The wide prevalence of human suffering causes some people to wonder why, if God is a God of love, He allows suffering to continue unabated. Bible teaching helps us to see that we need to have the true perspective on human life. Since God is the creator of all life, it is only reasonable that the first precept should be that man honours Him, and obeys His law. Yet the vast bulk of mankind has chosen to ignore Him, going their own way, worshipping gods of their own invention, or not worshipping any god at all.

We learn from God’s word that much of the suffering of man comes as a result of ignoring God’s laws. Yet the Bible also tells us, that suffering is one way that God uses to teach us life lessons and bring us closer to Him. We may not have control over what happens to us, but we do have control over how we react to these things. If we accept suffering as part of God’s training for us, He will help us to endure the trial, and we will receive great blessings in the future when the Kingdom of God is established.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

Deuteronomy 10:14/Psalm 24:1 – The earth belongs to God. He made it and He sets the conditions for life on earth.

Isaiah 2:11 – God desires to be honoured.

Genesis 2:15-17/Genesis 3:6 – God gave man a law, but allowed him free will whether he would obey or not.

Genesis 3:17-19 – Trial and trouble came on the first man as a result of his sin.

Deuteronomy 30:19/Matthew 7:13-14 – Men have a choice. Choose your way of life – and your fate.

Genesis 6:5-7/Isaiah 59:1-2 – Sadly, mankind has generally ignored God’s wishes, and has made itself liable to God’s judgments.

Isaiah 47:8-11 – By ignoring God, and elevating their own status, men have brought suffering upon themselves.

Ephesians 5:3-7 – Wicked behaviour earns the wrath of God.

Romans 1:18-23 -Most men refuse to acknowledge God.

Romans 1:24-27 – People who choose an immoral lifestyle reap what they sow.

Romans 1:28-32 – Without God in their lives men behave in ways which cause misery and suffering to themselves and others.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 – While some suffering is a specific judgment, trouble and suffering can befall anyone.

Romans 5:3-4/James 1:2-4 – But suffering has a purpose. It helps us develop right character.

Acts 2:37-40/Philippians 2:12 – Exercise your freewill to obey God and ensure personal salvation.

1 Peter 4:12-13/Acts 14:22 – We must expect times of trial suffering.

Hebrews 12:5-11 – God allows us to have trials and suffering for our learning.

Romans 8:18 – Suffering now will help us better appreciate the blessings to come.

Romans 8:28-31 – God is not against us. He supports us, if we are His people.

Psalm 46:1/Psalm 61:1-4 – Learn to trust in God for help in times of trouble.

Philippians 4:6-7 – Pray to God for help.

1 Corinthians 1:1-7 – God will comfort us in trouble.

Matthew 5:1-11/2 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – God wants us to look for blessing in the future, not necessarily now when we are developing character.

Revelation 21:3-4 – God has promised an end of suffering when His kingdom is established.

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Will there ever be World peace?

War is a scourge, bringing devastation and misery. Who can put a stop to war? Sadly, all man’s efforts to end war have failed.

The Bible tells us that God has used war as an instrument to discipline and control the nations. But the Bible also prophesies an end to war, when our Lord Jesus Christ returns to take control. Only he will have the power to defeat the violent and belligerent nations of the world and establish a new dispensation of worldwide peace.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

Luke 2:14 These are very familiar words, spoken at the birth of the Lord Jesus, but will they ever be fulfilled?

Genesis 6:5, 11-13 Right from earliest recorded history men have been known for violence and aggression.

Deuteronomy 4:33-34;37-38 God has used man’s warlike tendencies to bring punishment on wicked nations. The war by which the nation of Israel was removed from Egypt and given the land of Israel was God’s work.

Exodus 17:8-16 The Lord God declared war against the Amalekites who had come to fight against God’s people Israel.

1 Samuel 17:45-47 The young warrior David declared that the battle was the Lord’s because the Philistines had defied

Leviticus 26:2; 6-7;14-17 The Israelites were told that peace would be the result of obeying God, and war would be the result of disobedience.

Ecclesiastes 3:8 Both war and peace are in God’s control.

James 4:1-2 War comes from human lusts, greed, and ambition.

Isaiah 57:20-21, Ezekiel 7:23-25 Like it was with Israel, so with all the world – wickedness brings war, not peace.

Isaiah 2:2-4 But God has promised an eventual end to war in the “last days” – that is when Christ returns to earth.

Joel 3:9-17 The nations will break out in war, but God will intervene.

Revelation 16:13-14 Evil ideologies will spread, causing nations to seek domination by war. But the battle will be under God’s control.

Ezekiel 38 This chapter shows that this great international war will be against God’s people Israel – and the outcome will be God’s victory.

Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:11-15 Speaking of the time when Christ is back on earth we have certain nations making war with him, and being utterly defeated.

Isaiah 9:6-7 It will be part of the role of the immortal Christ to bring peace.

Psalm 72:7 Describing the kingdom of Jesus Christ, the psalmist tells us that under his rule, there will be great peace.

Psalm 46: 6-10 When Christ returns to earth, he will accomplish the work of God to end the raging of the nations, ENDING ALL WARS.

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Can I really believe the Bible?

How can we know that the Bible is true? There are many ways to validate the Bible and one of the most important is through fulfilled prophecy. No other ancient writing has such precise and far-reaching predictions as are found in the Bible.

We know that the Old Testament of the Bible was completed by 300 B.C., yet it accurately predicted events which occurred centuries later. Surely this stands as sound evidence for the truth of the Bible record and shows us that it is a book that we can thoroughly trust. Take the time to investigate the prophecies given below, only a tiny number of the prophecies of the Bible, and you will see how amazing they are.

There is only one way to account for this – it is the word of God.

Memorize the key verse for this defence and mark the next verse to go to in your bible to follow through a well constructed defence, each verse leading to the next one, ending with a positive verse reinforcing biblical truth

Isaiah 42:8-9/Isaiah 46:9-10 – God declares that He alone can determine what will happen in the future.

Deuteronomy 18:21-22 – There would be a clear test as to whether a prophet was truthful. Did the prophecy come to pass or not?

Isaiah 44:28 – Look how specific this prophecy is. Approximately 200 years before he was born, Cyrus the Persian was named.

Isaiah 44:28 – Cyrus would command the temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. (Ezra 1:1-4)

Isaiah 44:27/Isaiah 45:1-4 – Cyrus would conquer other nations. The conquest would involve the drying up a river and there being open gates. These things are recorded in ancient histories exactly as prophesied two centuries before.

Daniel 2:31-45 – Daniel gives a broad outline of world history, showing the major world empires what would arise. Though given in figurative language, it is clearly understood to speak of the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires.

Psalm 22:1-18 – Many details are given about the crucifixion of Christ over 1000 years before it happened.

Luke 21:24 – Jerusalem, the Jewish capital, would be trodden under foot by Gentile powers for a period of time. This began approximately 40 years after the prophecy was given. Read the history of Jerusalem and see how true this has been.

Ezekiel 37:1-14 – Ezekiel prophesied the revival of the nation of Israel which had been long “dead”. This came to pass in 1947-1948.

Ezekiel 37:21-22 – The revived nation would be a single nation, not a dual nation as in old times, and would be brought into their own land. Is there anything more remarkable than the restoration of the nation of Israel into their ancient homeland?

1 Peter 1:19-21 – We do well to take heed of the sure prophecies of the Bible because they come from God Himself.

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