1/6/2024 Daily Readings

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End of reading 1. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings & Thought for June 1st. "HOW LONG WILL YOU PUT OFF ... "

Daily Readings & Thought for June 1st. “HOW LONG WILL YOU PUT OFF … “

We continue to read the book of Joshua (a name which is the same as ‘Jesus’ and means ‘Saviour’) and we see Joshua urging of the nation, now in their promised land, to go and take possession and settle in the area of the land that had been allotted to them. Five of the tribes had done this, but today’s ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 1

End of reading 2. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings & Thought for the day (June 1st.) “THE LORD OF HOSTS REIGNS ON MOUNT ZION” 

Daily Readings & Thought for the day (June 1st.) “THE LORD OF HOSTS REIGNS ON MOUNT ZION” 

Today's readings.. (Joshua 18), (Isaiah 24), (Hebrews 6,7) Today’s and tomorrow’s chapters in Isaiah (24 & 25) contain a powerful message about the climax of human history, yet they are not very often quoted.   Chapter 24 ends with “for the LORD of hosts reigns on Mount Zion and Jerusalem and his glory will be before his elders.”   The next chapter ...
Daily Readings & Thought for June 1st. “THE LORD OF HOSTS REIGNS ON MOUNT ZION” 

Daily Readings & Thought for June 1st. “THE LORD OF HOSTS REIGNS ON MOUNT ZION” 

Today's readings.. (Joshua 18), (Isaiah 24), (Hebrews 6,7) Today’s and tomorrow’s chapters in Isaiah (24 & 25) contain a powerful message about the climax of human history, yet they are not very often quoted.   Chapter 24 ends with “for the LORD of hosts reigns on Mount Zion and Jerusalem and his glory will be before his elders.”   The next chapter ...

World Events Show the Writing is Now on the Wall: 'Watchman Night' June 2021 Updated!

World Events Show the Writing is Now on the Wall: ‘Watchman Night’ June 2021 Updated!

A Christadelphian Video: The Coronovirus has dominated the news for some months. Meantime, there are major political moves and realignments ...
Amazing 'Signs of the Times' August 2020 Bible Prophecy Update Class #4 Hope of Israel Bible School:

Amazing ‘Signs of the Times’ August 2020 Bible Prophecy Update Class #4 Hope of Israel Bible School:

A Christadelphian Video: Hope of Israel Bible School: Unsurprisingly, Bible prophecy is a 'thing', The Lord Jesus himself encouraged those ...
World Events Show the writing is NOW on the wall!!

World Events Show the writing is NOW on the wall!!

A Christadelphian Video;Description: The Coronovirus has dominated the news for some months. Meantime, there are major political moves and realignments ...
Amazing 'Signs of the Times' August 2020 Bible Prophecy Update Class #4 Hope of Israel Bible School:

Amazing ‘Signs of the Times’ August 2020 Bible Prophecy Update Class #4 Hope of Israel Bible School:

A Christadelphian Video: Hope of Israel Bible School: Unsurprisingly, Bible prophecy is a 'thing', The Lord Jesus himself encouraged those ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 2

End of reading 3. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings & Thought for June 1st. "HOLD FAST TO THE HOPE SET BEFORE US"

Daily Readings & Thought for June 1st. “HOLD FAST TO THE HOPE SET BEFORE US”

Our generation, more than ever before, struggles to have any long term hope and vision of the future! The way ahead looks increasingly uncertain making the warning of Jesus about attitudes in the last days more and more evident, “Watch yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life and that day come ...

The Passover and its importance today.

The Passover and its importance today.

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The institution of the Passover was established as a type for a future redeemer, who would ...
Is it possible to commit an unforgivable sin?

Is it possible to commit an unforgivable sin?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The ministry of Jesus was one of reconciliation to God, through the forgiveness of sins. Prayer ...
Jesus Christ our great high priest.

Jesus Christ our great high priest.

A Christadelphian Video Description: Jesus Christ is the great high priest who we need and our situation demands. He is ...
Jerusalem: Whose City Is It?

Jerusalem: Whose City Is It?

Description: Two things must come together to bring peace to this earth – Jerusalem the city in which God’s name ...
How can we Bless God?

How can we Bless God?

Blessings from God are the result of obeying Him. We then bless God because He blesses us, resulting in circle ...
Does Doctrine Really Matter?

Does Doctrine Really Matter?

Description: Many religious leaders with various beliefs contribute to doctrinal confusion. The Bible shows that God is not the author ...
Born again by the word of God. (John 3: 6) - WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

Born again by the word of God. (John 3: 6) – WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

What does it mean when the Bible speaks of being 'Born again'! (John 3:5) The presenter in this video looks ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 3

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