31/3/2024 Daily Readings

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End of reading 1. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

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Signs of  Christ's Return!

Signs of Christ’s Return!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Signs of Christ’s return include Israel regathered to their land and world military build-up. The state ...
Why the Gospel is Relevant Today?

Why the Gospel is Relevant Today?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The Gospel is the good news about the Kingdom of God and the Name of our ...
How God will restore the Environment?

How God will restore the Environment?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The cumulative result from mankind’s mismanagement of the Globe are now available thru global electronic reporting ...
What is the point of God?

What is the point of God?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: When God’s plans for the world are outlined, one can appreciate that without God, man would ...
The Gift of God, Eternal Life on Earth

The Gift of God, Eternal Life on Earth

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Though death is the natural consequence of human life, God offers the hope of eternal life ...
The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope!

The Return of Christ: Man’s Only Hope!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: God has a purpose with the earth, it is man’s only hope. God uses different people ...
Evidence for a God In Science

Evidence for a God In Science

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The Universe has very finely adjusted physical constants, all essential for life to exist. Scientific discovery ...
Evidence for God in Science

Evidence for God in Science

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Science and the Bible do not need to be at odds with one another. In fact, ...
God’s Kingdom, Life’s Ultimate Goal

God’s Kingdom, Life’s Ultimate Goal

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Are you looking for a short, yet concise study to share with interested friends? The Bible ...
Armageddon will Precede world peace

Armageddon will Precede world peace

A Christadelphian Video; Description: The Bible teaches that we are going to have to go through a period of war ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 1

End of reading 2. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

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Holiness to God - Money & Wealth

Holiness to God – Money & Wealth

Description: Work has always been part of God’s plan for the world. Diligence and good work habits are important. However, ...
Holiness to God - Money & Wealth

Holiness to God – Money & Wealth

Description: Work has always been part of God’s plan for the world. Diligence and good work habits are important. However, ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 2

End of reading 3. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings and Thought for March 31st. "YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE"

Daily Readings and Thought for March 31st. “YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE”

What is paradise?  It is not a common word in scripture.  Jesus uses it in his last message, the book of Revelation, saying, “To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life , which is in the paradise of God.” [Ch. 2 v.7]  Primarily it means a park, a garden - and Adam was ...
Daily Readings & Thought for March 31st. "YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE

Daily Readings & Thought for March 31st. “YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE

Today's readings.. (numbers 14), (Proverbs 10), (Luke 23) Today we read of Jesus on the Cross. “The chief priests and the rulers and the people” [Luke 23 v.13] opposed Pilate’s decision to release him so he gave in and “delivered Jesus over to their will.”   He is crucified between two criminals and one of these derides him saying, “Are you ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 3

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