31/5/2024 Daily Readings

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End of reading 1. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

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Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 1

End of reading 2. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

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World Events Show the Writing is Now on the Wall: 'Watchman Night' June 2021 Updated!

World Events Show the Writing is Now on the Wall: ‘Watchman Night’ June 2021 Updated!

A Christadelphian Video: The Coronovirus has dominated the news for some months. Meantime, there are major political moves and realignments ...
“Tyre – The City Which God Swept Into The Sea”

“Tyre – The City Which God Swept Into The Sea”

A Christadelphian Video: Description: A stimulating, informative interesting address on the historical, maritime & trading aspects of Tyre. Tyre is ...
*MUST SEE!!* The Ships of Shittim A Endtime Prophecy of the Last Days 'Mid Oct Update'

*MUST SEE!!* The Ships of Shittim A Endtime Prophecy of the Last Days ‘Mid Oct Update’

A Christadelphian Video: A Christadelphian Video: Description: The remarkable prophecy of Balaam given as Israel is poised to enter their ...
'The Ships of Chittim' - A prophecy for the Last Days!

‘The Ships of Chittim’ – A prophecy for the Last Days!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The remarkable prophecy of Balaam given as Israel is poised to enter their promised land, contains ...
Milestones Bible Prophecy Update Oct 2020

Milestones Bible Prophecy Update Oct 2020

Don Pearce presents his autumn Bible Prophecy Update Northampton Joint Bible Class 8th Oct ...
Brexit in Bible Prophecy- Britain as Tarshish - let's look at the evidence?

Brexit in Bible Prophecy- Britain as Tarshish – let’s look at the evidence?

A Christadelphian Video; Description: The purpose of Bible prophecy is outlined, and Britain identified in Bible terminology. The Biblical reason ...
Amazing 'Signs of the Times' August 2020 Bible Prophecy Update Class #4 Hope of Israel Bible School:

Amazing ‘Signs of the Times’ August 2020 Bible Prophecy Update Class #4 Hope of Israel Bible School:

A Christadelphian Video: Hope of Israel Bible School: Unsurprisingly, Bible prophecy is a 'thing', The Lord Jesus himself encouraged those ...
Britain the Tarshish power!

Britain the Tarshish power!

Britain the Tarshish power! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0jdWgM3zz4 ...
World Events Show the writing is NOW on the wall!!

World Events Show the writing is NOW on the wall!!

A Christadelphian Video;Description: The Coronovirus has dominated the news for some months. Meantime, there are major political moves and realignments ...
The Queen's 60th Jubilee...  In Bible Prophecy?

The Queen’s 60th Jubilee… In Bible Prophecy?

The Queen's 60th Jubilee... In Bible Prophecy? Could it be true? Watch this video and see what you think. Description: ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 2

End of reading 3. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings & Thought for May 31st. "IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE”

Daily Readings & Thought for May 31st. “IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE”

Continuing our reading of Hebrews, we notice more of its many quotations from the Old Testament.  Many of these quotations contain that significant little word “IF” !  The major theme is that the readers should learn from the failures of the past and not make the same mistakes, but will “hear” what is written.   In chapter 3 v.4 we read ...
Daily Readings & Thought for the Day May 31st. "THE MESSAGE ... DID NOT BENEFIT THEM"

Daily Readings & Thought for the Day May 31st. “THE MESSAGE … DID NOT BENEFIT THEM”

We continue reading the challenging chapters of the letter to the Hebrews. It was obviously written in the final years the Temple existed in Jerusalem before it was destroyed in AD70. Those who made the Temple and the Mosaic Law a highly important part of their lives and expectations, although accepting Jesus as their Messiah, were going to be devastated ...

Does it matter to God what we believe?

Does it matter to God what we believe?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Beginning with a basic definition of God, the Bible, and the message of salvation, we learn ...
What the Bible teaches about Jesus!

What the Bible teaches about Jesus!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: God's amazing plan to redeem mankind from death through the sacrifice of an obedient sinless man, ...
Why theistic evolution cannot be true!

Why theistic evolution cannot be true!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The theory of evolution and theistic evolution does not elevate God as an intelligent and supreme ...
God's Word gives purpose and peace of mind.

God’s Word gives purpose and peace of mind.

A Christadelphian Video: Description: As a witness of Christ…are you looking for a concise and simple way to summarize God’s ...
What is the point of God?

What is the point of God?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: When God’s plans for the world are outlined, one can appreciate that without God, man would ...
World Events Show the Writing is Now on the Wall: 'Watchman Night' June 2021 Updated!

World Events Show the Writing is Now on the Wall: ‘Watchman Night’ June 2021 Updated!

A Christadelphian Video: The Coronovirus has dominated the news for some months. Meantime, there are major political moves and realignments ...
The battle over equality - What does The Bible say?

The battle over equality – What does The Bible say?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Striving for equality with God caused the first man and woman to sin. Every day we ...
Why is the Trinity not found in the Bible?

Why is the Trinity not found in the Bible?

Considerable reference to historians establish that the trinity was a developed doctrine. Bible teaching of God and Jesus Christ clearly ...
The Ecclesias of Revelation:  Foreseeing the Future

The Ecclesias of Revelation: Foreseeing the Future

Description: A study of the book of Revelation and it's prophecy of the future The content for this video was ...
Jesus is coming back!  Are you ready

Jesus is coming back! Are you ready

Description: God will very soon fulfil his purpose of filling this earth with his Glory, with Justice, Mercy and Truth ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 3

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