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What the Bible teaches about Death!

What the Bible teaches about Death!

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything. Resurrection is offered to those who follow God’s ways; the classic example is the Lord Jesus Christ, who will soon return to resurrect those who follow God. They will rule the earth under ...
Jesus Christ...The judge of the world!

Jesus Christ…The judge of the world!

A @Christadelphians Video: In almost every passage where the Apostles provide a comprehensive picture of the Gospel, one of the main points in their presentation is the fact that Jesus will return to judge mankind. Jesus also described himself as the judge of the world; he promised that he would ...
Events Leading up to the Return of Christ 2024- 4 Studies (Jim Cowie)

Events Leading up to the Return of Christ 2024- 4 Studies (Jim Cowie)

Description: God has revealed through his word, the events leading up to Christ’s return. He expects us to be interested, as well as exhorted, to watch, pray and keep our garments as a chaste bride, longing for the fulfilment of our Lord’s return. *************************************************************************************** This video was produced by ...
The Restoration of All Things - 3 Studies

The Restoration of All Things – 3 Studies

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: A consideration of end-time prophecies which tell us about the fall and rise again of Judah (Jews currently in the land) and the regathering and prospects for Israel (currently the scattered Jews outside the land), at the time of the invasion by the northern confederacy; and ...
What does the Bible teach about Genocide?

What does the Bible teach about Genocide?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Scripture shows that God is Sovereign over the Earth He created and all its inhabitants. His mercy and long-suffering toward those who don't follow his commandments are shown by the 400 years given to the Amorites in Canaan to repent in Abraham's day. After this period ...
Jerusalem and are they related?

Jerusalem and Brexit…how are they related?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: An interesting explanation of how prophecy has brought Britain, as a protectorate, and Israel together. Now after Brexit, Britain is now free from the chains of Europe so that it can continue its supportive role of Israel, all amazingly prophesied. # Summary This presentation provides a ...
The Land and its Lessons (Jim Cowie)

The Land and its Lessons (Jim Cowie)

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Bible tells us that the land of Israel is the constant focus of God’s attention, giving it a greater importance than any other territory on earth. This presentation describes some of the physical geography of the land, which would be visible in Bible times and ...
Ezra - The Ecclesia in Exile - 4 Studies (Jack Lawson )

Ezra – The Ecclesia in Exile – 4 Studies (Jack Lawson )

Description: Ezra was instrumental in teaching the Scriptures to the Jews who had returned to the land from the years of captivity in Babylon. Three key men were involved: the governor Zerubbabel, who rebuilt the Temple; Ezra who helped to rebuild the people and Nehemiah who helped to rebuild the ...
March of the Rainbow Angel - 2 Studies (Neville Bullock)

March of the Rainbow Angel – 2 Studies (Neville Bullock)

Description: Let's open up Bible prophecy and discover what the bible says about the Rainbow angel in Revelation 10. Let's uncover the role of the rainbow angel, and discover the future events that will unfold and how the saints of God are involved. *************************************************************************************** This video was produced by ...
Noah and the Salvation of his House - 5 Studies ( Luke Whitehouse)

Noah and the Salvation of his House – 5 Studies ( Luke Whitehouse)

In this series of Bible talks, Jesus draws a profound parallel between the ancient narrative of Noah's Ark (Genesis 6-9) and the unfolding story of Bible prophecy (Matthew 24:37-38). This Bible series explores Jesus' perspective when he uttered the phrase "As in the days of Noah" (Matt 24:37). He begins ...
Swanwick Bible School 2024 - (L.Whitehouse, S.Hornhardt, M.Johnson)

Swanwick Bible School 2024 – (L.Whitehouse, S.Hornhardt, M.Johnson)

*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site...                      #2 Our podcast on Spotify..      #3 Our podcast on Apple.        ...
The IDF: Most Moral Army in the World!

The IDF: Most Moral Army in the World!

This week has been a busy one for the haters of the Jewish people. The International criminal court has filed an application for the arrest warrant of Israeli PM Netanyahu and the defence minister Yoav Gallant. On the same day, the ICC also issued a request for the warrant of ...
The Old Hatred: Anti Semitism rises further in the West

The Old Hatred: Anti Semitism rises further in the West

Throughout history God’s people of Israel have been hated by the nations around it. From the time Israel was in Egypt, Pharaoh attempted to destroy the nation by killing all the male children in the Nile of Egypt. The Edomites were condemned by Obediah: “For thy violence against thy brother ...
Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne

Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne

Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne As the America Eagle Descends into Chaos, The Double Headed Russian Eagle Rises from the Ashes (Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.) The sea and waves are roaring on the America political scene, as six months of political wrangling precede ...
Russia’s Growing Influence In Africa! Russia set to have a naval base in Sudan

Russia’s Growing Influence In Africa! Russia set to have a naval base in Sudan

In this weeks Bible in the News we examine the connection with Russia’s involvement in Africa and Bible Prophecy The African country of Sudan’s army has been engaged in civil war since April last year. They are fighting the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) who originally had made gains in ...
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