Israel clashes with Iran - the "Persia" of latter day Bible prophecy - Bible in the News Video Post

Israel clashes with Iran – the “Persia” of latter day Bible prophecy – Bible in the News Video Post

Rumblings in the North Israel clashes with Iran - the "Persia" of latter day Bible prophecy Listen in MP3 Format   ...
Bible is quoted directly in the headlines of the news all over the world Bible in the News Video Post

Bible is quoted directly in the headlines of the news all over the world Bible in the News Video Post

Abraham makes headlines, but Jerusalem not off the table. Abraham and the words of the prophet Ezekiel made headlines during ...
Jesus Christ: A Priest Forever after the order of Melchizedek

Jesus Christ: A Priest Forever after the order of Melchizedek

Christ Jesus who is in the heavens is “put on” by individuals on earth, who “believe the things concerning the ...
The developing religious crusade against the Jewish development in Israel Video Post Bible in the News

The developing religious crusade against the Jewish development in Israel Video Post Bible in the News

The developing religious crusade against the Jewish development in Israel Orthodox patriarch, writes that Jewish settlers are a threat to ...
“PERSIA... With them.” An examination of recent events in Iran in the light of Bible prophecy Bible Prophecy in the News

“PERSIA… With them.” An examination of recent events in Iran in the light of Bible prophecy Bible Prophecy in the News

“PERSIA... With them.” A look at recent events in Iran in the light of Bible prophecy Listen in MP3 ...
Britain in Bible Prophecy and in the World Today

Britain in Bible Prophecy and in the World Today

Britain in Bible Prophecy and in the World Today Britain in Bible Prophecy and in the World Today We certainly ...
Bible Endtime Prophecy Fulfilled by TRUMP: UN Vote on Jerusalem Prelude to Armageddon!' Video Post Bible in the News

Bible Endtime Prophecy Fulfilled by TRUMP: UN Vote on Jerusalem Prelude to Armageddon!’ Video Post Bible in the News

UN Vote on Jerusalem Prelude to Armageddon The United Nations Vote on Jerusalem sets almost all nations against Jerusalem as ...
Jerusalem The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People  Video Post Bible in the News

Jerusalem The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People Video Post Bible in the News

Jerusalem The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People Results of Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel Listen in ...
Miracles of Bible Prophecy Coming to Pass in Israel  Video Post Bible in the News

Miracles of Bible Prophecy Coming to Pass in Israel Video Post Bible in the News

Miracles of Bible Prophecy Coming to Pass in Israel All the People In Expectation Listen in MP3 Format      Subscribe ...
North, South or in Israel Prophecy Fulfilling! The Battle of the two Eagle Powers mp4 Video Post Bible in the News

North, South or in Israel Prophecy Fulfilling! The Battle of the two Eagle Powers mp4 Video Post Bible in the News

The prophecy of Ezekiel 38, speaks of an invasion of Israel in the later days after there has been a ...
Stirring up the King of the South: Bible in the News mp4 Video Post

Stirring up the King of the South: Bible in the News mp4 Video Post

The King of the South Asserts Itself Against Iran, Forming Biblical Partnerships as it Does. During the past few weeks ...
The Earth was Corrupt Before God, and the Earth was Filled with Violence mp4 Bible in the News Video Post Bible in the News

The Earth was Corrupt Before God, and the Earth was Filled with Violence mp4 Bible in the News Video Post Bible in the News

In this age, everyday life goes on without reference to God, just as it did at critical points of judgment ...
Jerusalem: Source of World Conflict and World Peace - Video Post

Jerusalem: Source of World Conflict and World Peace – Video Post

The conflict surrounding Jerusalem, whose it is, who should live there, who should be in control of the Temple mount ...
MUST SEE! Prophetic Scriptural Pattern reveals the destiny of Europe leading to WW3: Video post

MUST SEE! Prophetic Scriptural Pattern reveals the destiny of Europe leading to WW3: Video post

Follow Bible Truth and Prophecy on The world is in turmoil. The recent exit of Britain from the EU, ...
The Destiny of the United States in the Light of Bible Prophecy - Video Post Bible in the News

The Destiny of the United States in the Light of Bible Prophecy – Video Post Bible in the News

Donald Trump seems to be shaping up to be a great friend of Israel, and early indications are that he ...
Revelation Class Seminar Series- Video post

Revelation Class Seminar Series- Video post

If you wish to make a comment a about anything you have seen or read on this page - Good ...
Daniel's blueprint of World History - Video post

Daniel’s blueprint of World History – Video post

We live in a world of predictions, but can there ever be such a thing as an accurate prediction? And ...
Jerusalem: The City of Controversy - Video post

Jerusalem: The City of Controversy – Video post

Jerusalem: The City of Controversy While the nations are preparing for Armageddon, the catalyst that will draw them there is ...
Bible in the News: The Balfour declaration and the 1967 liberation of Jerusalem make headlines at the UN

Bible in the News: The Balfour declaration and the 1967 liberation of Jerusalem make headlines at the UN

For more audio like this and to visit the back catalogue visit The United Nations discusses the 1917 and ...
Bible in the News: The US and UK draw closer post BREXIT to face an aggressive Russia

Bible in the News: The US and UK draw closer post BREXIT to face an aggressive Russia

For more audio like this and to visit the back catalogue visit The US and UK draw closer ...
Russia and Iran Fulfilling End time Bible Prophecy Bible in the News

Russia and Iran Fulfilling End time Bible Prophecy Bible in the News

For more audio like this and to visit the back catalogue visit Russia and Iran Fulfilling Bible Prophecy ...
An Ensample - Sodom: A Lessons for all those who Choose To Live Ungodly Today

An Ensample – Sodom: A Lessons for all those who Choose To Live Ungodly Today

The Speaker, Jonathan Bowen (Ontario) has produced this video using material he collected while on a trip of the Holy ...
Medo Persia in End Time  Bible Prophecy and Archaeology

Medo Persia in End Time Bible Prophecy and Archaeology

The fall of Babylon to the Medes and Persians is dramatically explained. Archaeology has uncovered the enormous palaces of this ...
Rugby Prophecy Day 2012: A Time of Trouble Such as Never Was - 2 Videos

Rugby Prophecy Day 2012: A Time of Trouble Such as Never Was – 2 Videos ...