Christian Religious Customs and Traditions Examined: Confirmation, Sprinkling & Infant Baptism.

Christian Religious Customs and Traditions Examined: Confirmation, Sprinkling & Infant Baptism.

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Bible teaching does not support the Catholic customs of Confirmation, Sprinkling and Infant Baptism. These customs ...
God created man, Man created evolution!

God created man, Man created evolution!

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The question of whether biblical creation and evolution are mutually exclusive from a biblical perspective is ...
Paradise...Fact or Fantasy?

Paradise…Fact or Fantasy?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: God began his creation with beauty, everything perfectly in harmony together, a picture of paradise (the ...
If souls are in heaven, why the need for resurrection?

If souls are in heaven, why the need for resurrection?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: By comparing the beliefs of Mainstream Christianity and the beliefs of the Sadducees it is clear ...
The Bible What's in it for young people?

The Bible What’s in it for young people?

A @Christadelphians Video: Discussion: Young people today face a number of things that make decisions harder for them. Children that ...