The Future of Jerusalem

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Jerusalem has suffered greatly during the ages, conquered, oppressed and a burdensome stone to all that are involved with her. The Bible, the only source of truth, prophesies of Israel and Jerusalem becoming the centre of a kingdom ruled by the Lord Jesus Christ, a beacon of righteousness, equity and peace.


The speaker discusses the future of Jerusalem, citing biblical prophecies and historical events to support their claims. They argue that current events align with biblical predictions, indicating that Jerusalem will face turmoil but ultimately be victorious.


  • 📜 Jerusalem’s tumultuous history includes multiple sieges and destructions.
  • 🕊️ Despite its name, Jerusalem has not yet seen lasting peace, but biblical prophecies suggest a future of peace extending worldwide.
  • ⚔️ Biblical prophecies, particularly in Joel and Zechariah, foretell events such as the return of the Jews to their land and Jerusalem, and the gathering of nations against Israel.
  • 🌍 Recent events, including anti-Semitic incidents and geopolitical tensions, are seen as fulfilling these prophecies.
  • 🏔️ Geological evidence suggests that the splitting of the Mount of Olives, as prophesied, is feasible.
  • 🛡️ Ultimately, the speaker predicts that God will intervene to protect Jerusalem and defeat its enemies, fulfilling biblical prophecy.


Jerusalem, biblical prophecy, future, history, peace, siege, destruction, Jews, anti-Semitism, geopolitical tensions, Mount of Olives, prophecy fulfillment, God’s intervention

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