The Holy, Just and Good Law 2021 – 4 Videos

The Law of Moses attracts much extreme criticism in the postmodern world. It is attacked as being totally out of step with modern values and is commonly used as an excuse to discredit God and the Bible. However, we must remember that God has not changed and many of the ideals, processes and all the morality that God laid down for his chosen people will be reinstated when the “inhabitants of the world learn righteousness’ under the rulership of Christ in the Millennium.

Our studies will look at how a spiritual Israelite would read the law and will provide answers to the carping criticisms levelled at the God that is revealed to us in the Old Testament. There will be a special focus on Deuteronomy, which brings out the spirit of the Law.

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Comments (1)

Dear Bro Ron, thanks so much for these classes. This overview-“40,000” ft level view is wonderful. The law was meant for all to rejoice in, not to see it as additional burdens to be carried, especially how the LOM viewed and defended the “weaker vessel”.
Greatly appreciated,
For the Hope of Israel and salvation for all mankind,
Bro Alton Stuchlik (Hi to Jim!)

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