Bible in the News

‘Bible in the News provides a weekly analysis of world politics and events
in the light of Bible prophecy — the Bible in the News!
A different presenter each week gives an account of a particular event from the news that has caught their eye – Detailed analysis of that event in light of what the ‘Sriptures saith’ is offered for your consideration.
Visit – from audio broadcasts frm 2006′

We live in a very troubled world. Do we need to be worried as we move into 2019? Researchers look at many countries and see people are worried about terrorism, unemployment, health care, crime and violence. Storm clouds are gathering over a global economy. We live in an interconnected world unlike any previous time and yet the darkness of loneliness plagues many people. In the Bible, we have a more sure word of prophecy which offers hope for the future.

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Inauguration of President Trump & Bible Prophecy

Inauguration of President Trump & Bible Prophecy

Inauguration of President Trump As millions of people across the world yesterday watched the televised inauguration of the 45th President ...
LOOK! American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem -Video Post Bible in the News

LOOK! American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem -Video Post Bible in the News

 American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem  America's future Ambassador will work from America's Embassy in the ...
LOOK!! - 2017 will be a PROPHETICAL year to remember!  - Video Post Bible in the News

LOOK!! – 2017 will be a PROPHETICAL year to remember! – Video Post Bible in the News

2017 is going to be a year of milestones toward the Kingdom Age! Events are shaping up to make 2017 ...
WOW!! Russia is looking to move into Libya just as in Syria, fulfilling Bible Prophecy Ezekiel 38 - Video Post Bible in the News

WOW!! Russia is looking to move into Libya just as in Syria, fulfilling Bible Prophecy Ezekiel 38 – Video Post Bible in the News

Russia seeks military bases in Libya Russia is looking to move into Libya just as it did in Syria, fulfilling ...
American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem

American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem

American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem America's future Ambassador will work from America's Embassy in the ...
Russia is looking to move into Libya just as it did in Syria, fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Russia is looking to move into Libya just as it did in Syria, fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Russia seeks military bases in Libya Russia is looking to move into Libya just as it did in Syria, fulfilling ...
Donald Trump’s victory is more bad news for the European Union - Don Pearce's Milestones Snippets

Donald Trump’s victory is more bad news for the European Union – Don Pearce’s Milestones Snippets

Here is the latest Snippets... WHAT lessons should Europe draw from Donald Trump’s election victory? For those Europeans who believe ...
Germany: Trump victory to spur EU military union - Don Pearce's Milestones Snippets

Germany: Trump victory to spur EU military union – Don Pearce’s Milestones Snippets

Here is the latest Snippets... Donald Trump’s victory, as well as Brexit, ought to speed up plans for EU defence ...
Concern in Brussels and Berlin Trump Spells End of Normality for Europe - Don Pearce's Milestones Snippets

Concern in Brussels and Berlin Trump Spells End of Normality for Europe – Don Pearce’s Milestones Snippets

This uncertainty may lead to the Eu pushing forward the idea of an EU army all the signs are there ...
America’s allies are holding their breath as Russia toasts a western revolution - Don Pearce's Milestones Snippets

America’s allies are holding their breath as Russia toasts a western revolution – Don Pearce’s Milestones Snippets

In association with Bro Don Pearce (Rugby UK)  Keep up to date with Bro Don’s Snippets – Email Don at ...
Russian-Egyptian Cooperation in the War on Terror - Don Pearce's Milestones Snippets

Russian-Egyptian Cooperation in the War on Terror – Don Pearce’s Milestones Snippets

In association with Bro Don Pearce (Rugby UK)  Keep up to date with Bro Don’s Snippets – Email Don at ...
The Great Unknown. Head-Scratching in Berlin over Future US Relations - Don Pearce Milestones

The Great Unknown. Head-Scratching in Berlin over Future US Relations – Don Pearce Milestones

In association with Bro Don Pearce (Rugby UK)  Keep up to date with Bro Don’s Snippets – Email Don at ...

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