22/6/2024 Daily Readings

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End of reading 1. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

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Leaving a legacy - Samuel 6 Part Study

Leaving a legacy – Samuel 6 Part Study

Description: Through a comprehensive overview of Samuel’s life, we see what a remarkable man he was. An exceptional child who ...
The Structure within Samuel

The Structure within Samuel

A Christadelphian Video: Description: A informative presentation on the two books of Samuel for anyone wishing to do a study ...
The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

A Christadelphian Video; Description: For those who believe in God, prayer gives us the fundamental confidence to approach Him. Belief ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 1

End of reading 2. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings & Thought for June 22nd. "DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING"

Daily Readings & Thought for June 22nd. “DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING”

Our readings today all provoke some challenging thoughts. First we read Hannah’s impassioned prayer leading her to tell Eli the priest, “I have been pouring out my soul before the LORD” [1 Sam. 1 v.15] Such is human nature that we usually only do this when there is some real crisis. Hannah proves herself to be a very spiritual woman ...
It's the Thought that counts "Declaring the End from the Beginning"22|6|2020"

It’s the Thought that counts “Declaring the End from the Beginning”22|6|2020”

The Following thought for the day was written by Brother Richard Morgan and provides insight and encouragement for those seeking to serve the God of Israel. Isaiah continues his preaching of the one true God in our reading today from Isaiah 46. As he does in several places, Isaiah contrasts idols with the living God. Idols are things that people ...

Prophecy Proves The Bible True

Prophecy Proves The Bible True

A Christadelphian Video: Description: God has a purpose with the earth. He has laid out His plan from ancient times, ...
Why the Gospel is Relevant Today?

Why the Gospel is Relevant Today?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The Gospel is the good news about the Kingdom of God and the Name of our ...
Bible Prophecy Fulfilled – Evidence that the Bible is God’s Word

Bible Prophecy Fulfilled – Evidence that the Bible is God’s Word

A Christadelphian Video: Description: The Bible as the sure word of an all knowing God, reveals His plan and purpose ...
Gods Promises: A basis for living

Gods Promises: A basis for living

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Men make promises and these promises are often broken. God has made promises in the Bible ...
Why is the Trinity not found in the Bible?

Why is the Trinity not found in the Bible?

Considerable reference to historians establish that the trinity was a developed doctrine. Bible teaching of God and Jesus Christ clearly ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 2

End of reading 3. Remember you can click the verse text for cross references, or explore content related to this reading using the buttons. 

Daily Readings & Thought for June 22nd. “YOU HAVE THE REPUTATION OF …”

Daily Readings & Thought for June 22nd. “YOU HAVE THE REPUTATION OF …”

Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 1), (Isaiah 46,47), (Revelation 3,4)  The messages that were sent to the 7 different communities of believers detailed in Ch. 2 & 3 of Revelation are remarkable.  We conclude that these are representative of the various types of communities of believers that have existed ever since that era.   One particular message caught our attention today, the ...
Daily Readings & Thought for June 22nd. “YOU SAY I AM RICH …”

Daily Readings & Thought for June 22nd. “YOU SAY I AM RICH …”

We continue reading the thought challenging last book in the Bible – the message of Jesus given through his disciple John. We are fascinated by how much of it includes detailed allusions to the Old Testament, for instance our reading today of Isaiah 47 (note v.3,8 and 9 onwards) is about the pride and fall of Babylon. We will see ...

Depression and Anxiety! Should we suffer?

Depression and Anxiety! Should we suffer?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: Beginning with an account of his own depression, the speaker outlines the debilitating effects of anxiety ...
Where is Heaven?

Where is Heaven?

Description:  There is much misunderstanding about heaven because of the Greek philosophers. Heaven is the dwelling place of God and ...
Will man Destroy the Earth?

Will man Destroy the Earth?

A Christadelphian Video: Description: There are major physical threats confronting our world right now among which are climate change and ...
Armageddon is Coming! Will You Survive?

Armageddon is Coming! Will You Survive?

Description: The word ‘Armageddon’ occurs only once in the Bible, in the book of Revelation which is a book using ...
The Ecclesias of Revelation: Sardis - Are You Alive?

The Ecclesias of Revelation: Sardis – Are You Alive?

Description: The Sardis Ecclesia was told that they were alive but they were dead. They were going through the motions ...
Are You Comfortable?

Are You Comfortable?

Description: Jesus the Christ will very soon be returning to this Earth to Set up God's Kingdom where the those ...
Promised Land Youth Conference Studies - Jonathan Bowen

Promised Land Youth Conference Studies – Jonathan Bowen

This series was developed by Bro Bowen to help those attending the Youth conference trip in 2014 get more out ...
Humanism or the Bible - Video post

Humanism or the Bible – Video post

Video Description: Description: The views of Humanism are shown to contradict the life giving hope and principles of the Bible. The ...

Coming Soon!
This will display talks from a new site we are launching soon, it will show audio talks based on each chapter of the bible.

End of Reading 3

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