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Russia security paper designates Nato as threat

2nd January 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an updated national security paper describing Nato’s expansion as a threat to the country.

Putin signed an updated national security paper that describes NATO as a threat to Russia

The new version says Russia is strengthening its military “on the background of new threats to national security that have a complicated and interlinked character”.

The paper says Nato’s recent build-up of military potential around Russia’s borders constitute “violations of norms of international law”.

The BBC’s Diplomatic Correspondent Bridget Kendall says that Mr Putin is determined through his interventions in Syria and Ukraine to wield his country’s military clout, so that the world in general and the United States in particular realise that Russia is an equal partner whose interests must be accommodated.

Our correspondent says Mr Putin wants the West to acknowledge Russia’s right to treat its post-Soviet neighbours as part of its sphere of influence, free from links to Nato or any other Western-dominated alliance.

He is on the lookout for levers to weaken Europe’s ties with the US, our correspondent says, in the hope of one day turning Russia into Europe’s main strategic partner.


WOW, just another short article on this subject of NATO, Europe and Russia, but the Headline says it all as Bible students expect to see Russia and the EU working together at the time of the end with Russia becoming a “guard” unto the European Nations Ezekiel 38:7.  So the Headline to this article is no surprise to Bible Students and only highlights how close we are to the time of the end prior to Christ’s Return.  The Bible also says that the “King of the South” (Britain, America and the Commonwealth Countries) will “push” at the “King of the North” (Russia) and it is partly this antagonism that will force Russia and the EU to invade the Middle East.  Of course this will become more pronounced when Britain withdraws from the EU and Joins America and her Commonwealth Countries in standing up to Russian aggression.

Yet again we see the latter day alignment of Nations as Prophesied by the Bible falling into place before our very eyes. 

See this article to learn more about this and the latter day prophecies of the Bible.


Bible Prophecy about the alignment of Nations in the Latter Days

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