A Letter to Mothers in Christ...

A Letter to Mothers in Christ…

The current COVID-19 crisis is affecting countries all around the globe. However, let’s come closer to home and think about ...
The Long finned Australian Eel - A wonder of Creation

The Long finned Australian Eel – A wonder of Creation

This video takes a look at the remarkable life of the long finned eel, which inhabits coastal and inland waters ...
The Death Enigma - a stumbling block for Evolutionists.

The Death Enigma – a stumbling block for Evolutionists.

We often hear of the origin of life from those who subscribe to the theory of evolution - but we ...
Stop & Think Meditations: Take a moment to pray -3x3x3

Stop & Think Meditations: Take a moment to pray -3x3x3

Take a moment to pray. Here is a little formula to help you keep your mind centred on our Heavenly ...
Stop & Think Meditations: How is your garden growing?

Stop & Think Meditations: How is your garden growing?

Growing in Godly ways takes time and thought - things we must make for ourselves if we value the development ...
Hallmarks of Design: 'The Ant Lion'

Hallmarks of Design: ‘The Ant Lion’

The Ant Lion is a particularly interesting example of metamorphosis, with a larval stage unlike any other. The small, ferocious ...
Stop & Think Meditations: Our reasonable Service -How is your ecclesia?

Stop & Think Meditations: Our reasonable Service -How is your ecclesia?

The Ecclesia is our spiritual home as we walk the road to the Kingdom - yet how often do we ...
Hallmarks of Design: The Naked Mole Rat

Hallmarks of Design: The Naked Mole Rat

In this video in the Hallmarks of Design series, we look at a strange creature which repulses most people, and ...
Stop & Think: Meditations - The Answer to Inner Turmoil

Stop & Think: Meditations – The Answer to Inner Turmoil

Do you feel that the pressures of life in our technological and fast paced world lead to troubled thoughts and ...
Stop & Think : Meditations- HOPE the anchor of our soul.

Stop & Think : Meditations- HOPE the anchor of our soul.

During our busy lives, we can sometimes become mired in daily problems, whilst forgetting God’s benefits to us. This inspirational ...
Stop & Think : Meditations- Gratitude

Stop & Think : Meditations- Gratitude

During our busy lives, we can sometimes become mired in daily problems, whilst forgetting God’s benefits to us. This inspirational ...