Angels, Who and what are they? Youth Video Study



“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Heb. 1:14).

From Genesis to Revelation, the Scriptures are full of the work of the angels. The first and last books of the Bible, in particular, show us angels dealing with individuals and nations; but they are featured throughout the whole of Scripture because this is the way God has chosen to work with His creation and to fulfil His purpose. This world is under the direction of the angels, who now receive their authority and power from Christ; and this will remain so until the Kingdom is established, when Christ and the saints will rule.
The work of the angels can be divided into three sections:
• Representing God (Ex. 3:1-6)
• Directing the nations (Dan. 4:35)
• Ministering to the saints (Heb. 1:14)
These have been their responsibilities since the Garden of Eden.
The Hebrew word (malak) and the Greek word (aggelos) for ’angel’ both mean ‘messenger’, ‘one sent’, and relate to the function and not the nature of the one involved. The context and event will identify whether Scripture is describing a messenger who is a Divine being or a human being. For example, Malachi 2:7; 3:1 and James 2:25 clearly use these words of human beings, and Judges 13:20 and Acts 12:7 clearly use them of Divine beings. Hence in the first case the translation ‘messenger’ is used, and in the second, ‘angel’.

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