Bible Prophecy comes alive in 2017-18 – 4: Israel, Sheba and Dedan – A Growing Friendship as prophesied in the Bible Don Pearce
4. In-line with the scriptures, Both sheba and Dedan must be sympathetic with Israel when the King of the North (Russia) comes against her armies – This video examines in detail just how this friendship is taking place.
This is the fouth of 6 in-depth studies examining world events with Bible in Hand. This is a Milestones update with a difference! The speaker usually prepares just one study each year ( and has done for decades) to examine where we are in light of God’s prophetic word – This year he has prepared 6 of these studies all in one go. The signs of the times are such that there is so much happening that to do the subject justice, one study just is not enough. The subjects covered in detail are
1: Rome – The False Prophet
2: Russia – The Dragon moving stealthfully towards Israel.
3: Europe – The Beast ( in a post Brexit World)
4: Sheba & Dedan – Israel’s new friends
5: Britain – King of the south charts new destinations
6: Armageddon – Drawing all the nations together
You can watch all 6 studies here…