Brexit An unprecedented geopolitical shift – Latest News & PROPHECY

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Brexit An unprecedented geopolitical shift

Union Jack hangs in window


Published: 25 June 2016 copyright REUTERS Image caption Europe has been a central pillar of British foreign policy for more than 40 years

Historian and constitutional expert Lord Peter Hennessy looks back at British history to evaluate the significance of the referendum result. The Attlee Professor of Contemporary British History at Queen Mary University of London was speaking to the BBC’s Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins.

Never in our peacetime history have so many dials been reset as a result of a single day’s events.

The only thing comparable in my lifetime is the end of the British Empire, which, like this, was a huge geopolitical shift. But getting rid of the British Empire was done over many, many years and by and large in the time control of the British government of the day. It left very few scars on us.

But this is sudden. This is guillotine time. This is quite extraordinary and in peacetime British history quite unprecedented.

De Gaulle and Macmillan

If we go back to the beginning, it took three attempts for Britain to join the European project.

Harold Macmillan steered his cabinet towards the first application to join the European Economic Community in July 1961, an effort which failed because of opposition from French leader Charles De Gaulle.

During Harold Wilson’s second application in 1967, The Labour prime minister said we wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer and ended up getting exactly that again from General De Gaulle.

Ted Heath finally pulled it off with President Pompidou and the law was passed in 1972, leading to our admittance in January 1973.

Image copyright PNA ROTA/GETTY IMAGES Image captionCharles De Gaulle (left) opposed Harold Macmillan’s early efforts for Britain join the European Economic CommunityEdward Heath and Georges PompidouImage copyright EVENING STANDARD/GETTY IMAGES Image captionPM Edward Heath had better luck with French leader Georges Pompidou more than a decade later

Ever since then it’s been part of the warp and woof of British foreign policy and our attitude towards the world. It’s part of Britain’s notion of its ability to punch heavier than its weight internationally, and it has been central to so many calculations.

That’s why this vote is the most remarkable jolt to the system. Where it leads in terms of the psychology of British politics as well as the personnel of British politics and indeed the very survival of the United Kingdom as a union with Scotland is all up in the air.

There never has been a day when so many moving parts were thrown up in one go and nobody knows where they will fall.

We know one thing and one thing only – that within a few years we shall no longer be a member of the European Union.

We know so little else about how it will play out, both in terms of the emotional geography of our politics and the emotional geography of our people.

The referendum has revealed deeper fissures and deeper divisions than perhaps we realised were there.

Well against all the world leaders in politics and economics what they thought would not, could not happen has just become a reality!

For Bible Students this is a very exciting development in fulfilling Bible Prophecy.  In fact it is the greatest sign of the nearness of Christ’s Return since the Establishment of the Jewish State in 1948!

Over 3000 years ago Bible Prophecy laid out the alignment of nations at the time of the end and Britain was not to be part of the European Union.

So despite what any man may think or say what we have just witnessed here is what Daniel said in Daniel 4:17 “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will…”

Just as the angels of God were at work ensuring that Britain had one of the strongest voter turn outs in years and voted for the conservatives to return to UK Government, without which an EU referendum would not have happened.  So the angels of God ensured the British People Voted for BREXIT despite what all the polls predicted?

So yet again we see the hand of God at work in the nations to ensure that His purpose unfolds on the earth.  Britain will leave the EU of this we can be certain as this is a matter of Bible Prophecy.  In the Bible, God has long said (2,500 yrs ago to be exact) that Britain will not be a part of the European Union when Russia and the EU invade the Middle East.

See this article to learn MORE about BREXIT WE’RE OUT!

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