Discover The Bible…The Forbidden Book! (Don Pearce)

A @Christadelphians Video: Would you risk your life for a book? This may seem a ridiculous concept today, but this wasn’t always the case. Not only was it once illegal to own a copy of the Bible, for centuries people were forbidden to even read it! Even more interesting is that some of those who risked their lives to ensure we can have it in our homes today have a connection to Rugby and the surrounding area.

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John Wycliffe (1329-1384) was an English theologian, philosopher, and religious reformer. He is best known for his translation of the Bible into English, which was the first complete translation of the Bible into English from the original languages. Wycliffe was a controversial figure in his own time, and he was eventually excommunicated by the Catholic Church. He died in 1384, and his bones were later dug up and burned by order of the Pope

William Tyndale (1494-1536) was an English scholar and translator who is best known for his translation of the Bible into English. Tyndale’s translation was based on the original Hebrew and Greek texts, and it was the first English translation to be made from these sources. Tyndale was a Protestant, and his translation was critical of the Catholic Church. He was eventually arrested by the authorities and burned at the stake in 1536.

Miles Coverdale (1488-1569) was an English Protestant Bible translator. He was the first person to publish an English translation of the entire Bible, which was published in 1535. Coverdale’s translation was based on the work of Tyndale and other scholars. He also translated the Bible into German and Latin.

John Rogers (1500-1555) was an English Protestant martyr. He was the first person to be burned at the stake for heresy during the reign of Queen Mary I. Rogers was a minister in the Church of England, and he was arrested for his opposition to the Catholic Church. He was burned at the stake in 1555, along with other Protestant leaders.

Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556) was an English religious reformer who served as Archbishop of Canterbury from 1533 to 1555. Cranmer was a key figure in the English Reformation, and he was responsible for the introduction of many Protestant reforms in the Church of England. He was also a translator of the Bible, and he was one of the authors of the Book of Common Prayer. Cranmer was burned at the stake in 1556 for heresy during the reign of Queen Mary I.

These are just a few examples of the many people who suffered for making the Bible available in English. Their sacrifices helped to ensure that the Bible would be accessible to all people, regardless of their social status or religious beliefs.


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