Faith Healing: Fact, Fraud or Fiction?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: A straight forward logical talk to define, explore and consider the claims of some who practise Faith Healing in the light of Biblical principles and scripture evidence and examples.
Faith healing is a method of treating diseases by prayer and exercise of faith in God. Biblical healing is different from natural healing, as it involves complete and instant reversal of symptoms. The purpose of faith healing in the Bible was to establish the credibility of the prophets and their message. Today, self-proclaimed faith healers are fraudulent as the ability to command spiritual gifts was only passed on through the apostles.
0:00-1:45 🎥: Faith healing is defined as a method of treating diseases by prayer and exercise of faith in God, attributed to miraculous and out-of-the-ordinary occurrences.
1:46-4:12 🎥: Biblical healing involves complete and instant reversal of symptoms, unlike natural healing which follows a gradual process.
4:13-7:50 🎥: Faith healing in the Bible served the purpose of establishing the credibility of the prophets and their message, often resulting in the glorification of God.
7:51-9:15 🎥: Self-proclaimed faith healers in the present day are fraudulent, as the ability to command spiritual gifts was only passed on through the apostles.
Key Insights
💡 The definition of faith healing varies between the world’s understanding and the biblical understanding. While the world sees it as a miraculous and out-of-the-ordinary method of disease treatment, the biblical perspective attributes it to the power of God and the exercise of faith.
💡 Biblical healing goes beyond natural healing processes, involving complete and instant reversal of symptoms. This includes the healing of leprosy, correction of deformed bones, restoration of eyesight, and even curing mental illnesses.
💡 The purpose of faith healing in the Bible was not solely focused on the physical healing of individuals, but rather on establishing the credibility of the prophets and their message. It served as evidence of their connection to God and the truth of their words.
💡 The ability to command spiritual gifts, including the power to heal, was passed on through the apostles. Self-proclaimed faith healers in the present day lack this authority and are therefore considered fraudulent in their claims to perform miraculous healings.

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