Macron sparks uproar by reaching out to …Catholic Church – The Christadelphian Watchman Prophecy Update

Macron sparks uproar by reaching out to Catholic Church

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Remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron that he wanted to repair church-state ties caused uproar Tuesday, sparking charges he was tampering with France’s longstanding secular tradition.
The Catholic Church and the state were for centuries virtually indistinguishable in France but the 1789 Revolution and 19th century modernisation saw the two formally separated by a 1905 law.
Macron, who prides himself on tackling difficult issues head-on, told a meeting of bishops Monday that he hoped to repair relations with the Church through a “dialogue of truth”.
“A president of the French republic who takes no interest in the Church and its Catholics would be failing in his duty,” he said.
Former socialist prime minister Manuel Valls, who backed Macron for president in 2017, tweeted that “secularism is France”.
The French revolution came about because of the persecution the Catholic church perpetrated upon anyone who didn’t agree with them. In the Book of Revelation chapter 11:3, we read of the Two Witnesses, they were a mixed group of people who were Protestants, anti-Papists, anti-Catholic who championed civil and religious rights against the laws and rules the Catholic church was trying to force upon them. Also, among these people, were Jews and those who believed in the Bible, and how it pointed to the birth, life and death of the Lord Jesus and also his resurrection along with the Kingdom of peace, Jesus would bring with him when he returned to the earth.
This punishment in the 16th century of Catholicism prophesies in the Bible, destroyed the Catholic church, killed many of the priests and the royalty with Madam Guillotine and many priests were sent into exile, church property sold off and all personal titles were banned.
According to some, President Macron is a Jesuit, and if so, will be keen, along with Germany, to contribute to the establishing of another Holy Roman Empire based in Germany and Austria which Napoleon destroyed in the Battle of Osterlich. The point is, Macron being a Jesuit, is now contributing to helping the return of this Catholic system into Europe. We know that many of the heads of the European Union, are similarly Jesuits and are also trying to bring about this oppressive system back into Europe
After the revolution, France became a secular society, and the Motto of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are also prophesied in the Bible, described as three frog spirits, which then propagated throughout Europe causing many other revolutions and encouraging people to go away from the good God-given laws and wisdom in the Bible, giving rise to the Humanistic attitude today that, anyone, can do and believe what they like as long as it doesn’t affect others. Unfortunately, it does affect others, it effects the whole society and in process of time, will bring this modern age unto the same Judgements which God brought upon the Catholic church.

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