Rugby Prophecy Day 2022 (Feb 26th 2022 God Willing)

“The Nations being prepared for Christ’s Appearance”
11am – Talk 1: Prepare war, wake up the mighty men. Bro Matt Davies, Mumbles (?)Christ back on earth,
nations increasingly hostile to Israel and so prepare to invade her. The world is on the brink of war with one of the largest military build-ups in Europe in modern times. At the heart of the conflict is the Ukraine which is caught in a power-play between the West and Russia. But what does the Bible say about this? In this talk we’ll review the prophecies of the Bible which speak of these times that we are living in. We’ll demonstrate that God has a plan and has given signs in His word the Bible to encourage believers that He is in control. We’ll look at the prophecies of Armageddon concerning a coming world war which will eventually see Russian armies coming down into Israel. This will usher in the return of Jesus Christ who will save Israel and establish God’s Kingdom on the earth.

2pm – Talk 2: Art thou come to take a spoil? Bro Jonathan Bowen, BrantfordPreparing Israel and Arab nations for the invasion and Kingdom. “Don’t flee to Egypt – go east
to Jordan”. We will look at the context of the invasion described in Ezekiel 38, Joel 3, Zechariah 14 and Daniel 11. We will look at the land made desolate in AD70 inhabited once again. We will consider the pretense for the invasion described in Daniel 11 and see how Russia will come through the land planting itself initially in Egypt. We will consider the desire of the spoil, look at what it entails, and consider how Israel has become so prosperous. Finally we will look at Russia’s evil thought that coincides with the tidings describe din Daniel, it’s move into Jerusalem where it thinks it will reign supreme.

15.40pm -Talk 3: Milestones Update. Bro. Don Pearce Rugby.
The remarkable timing of the Arab change of attitude so can be blessed in
Kingdom. Matt 25:31-46 and any other live matters.
We look at the basis of how the world’s nations will be accepted – or not – to live in the Kingdom.
What in God’s eyes distinguishes a “Sheep” Nation from a “Goat” nation? Not all “Sheep” were born
“Sheep”. They have changed from “Goats” to “Sheep”! In fulfilment of Scripture this is happening
just at the time which will see the imminent return of the Lord Jesus, to judge his saints and to judge
the nations.
We look at the unfolding Abraham Accords which are transforming the Middle East. We look at the
development of Britain and her allies to play their role in these last days as Britain emerges from her
70 years of decline, precisely on time! We are living in exciting times that herald the return of the
Lord Jesus.

Please can you send the link to join on Zoom on the day. Many thanks.
There is no zoom event, the organisers decided not have the meeting over zoom, sorry!
Please can you register us on-line for the Prophecy day on Saturday 26th Feb.2022
Hi – is there a donation link for those of us online?
For the Propecy day or Christadelphainvideo?
Can I obtain/buy a DVD of the Rugby Prophecy Day addresses?
If so, please can you tell me where I can obtain it and the price please.
I’m already on your mailing list.
hi Sister, no we dont do DVD’s any more we no longer have the equipment. Someone from your own meeting should be able to do that for you though!
Hi is there a recording of Stockport fraternal 23 April Bro Darren Guy speaking on Song of Solomon
Many thanks Sue Manns
not stockport no, but the fraternal he did just before that same subject..
Thanks to all who presented Rugby prophecy day
Brisbane, Australia