What is Faith? By Glad Tidings Magazine
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).
So, faith is more than just belief. It is about substance and evidence – it is based in reality. Faith is something we can see. How can this be, given that it is not a thing that we can pick up or show in a picture?
Who Are We
Christadelphians: what do they believe?
Christadelphians are a body of Christians who try to base their beliefs and practices wholly on the Bible, which they regard as God’s word.
They try therefore to avoid the various ideas and rituals which have attached themselves to Christianity over the last 2,000 years and to return to the beliefs and practices of the first-century apostles.
Christadelphians are a community without the trappings of elaborate buildings, priests or icons, but with a deep respect for God’s word and a strong sense of family and fellowship.
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