Trinity – God is One not Three

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: A logical, informative and systematic look at where the term Trinity comes from, and what a belief in this doctrine means. This is then compared with the Bible’s teaching. Summary The video challenges the doctrine of the Trinity, arguing that it is inconsistent with the Bible. It discusses the historical development of the Trinity, biblical passages contradicting it, and the understanding of Jesus as the Son of God rather than as God Himself.
- [📜] The Trinity doctrine teaches that God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit are three persons of the same substance, but the video argues this contradicts the Bible.
- [🕰️] It traces the historical development of the Trinity, suggesting it was influenced by philosophical concepts and state involvement, particularly by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century.
- [📖] The video critiques the Trinity doctrine’s reliance on church tradition over the Bible, arguing that it discourages independent Bible study.
- [❓] It questions the logic of the Trinity, highlighting contradictions such as the concept of the Father being both the same as the Son and distinct from the Son.
- [🌍] The widespread acceptance of the Trinity doctrine is noted, but exceptions like the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are mentioned.
- [📜] Biblical passages are cited to argue that Jesus was understood as the Son of God rather than as God Himself, and that the Trinity doctrine was not present in early Christianity.

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