Unlocking Revelation – 3 Videos

An Introduction to the principles of understanding the last message of the Master – Foundational Studies for the young and not so young! 15yrs and above.
Three studies
1: Unto his servants ( reasons why we should study revelation)
2: Sent and Signified ( The Biblical concept of symbols
3: Things which must shortly come to pass ( Overview of the continual historic interpretation)
Speaker Bro Matt Davies (NFR)
Watch in Full HD below – Click Image to play…
( Click the image to play from the first study or select a different study by clicking the top left of the image and choosing from the dropdown)

Unlocking Revelation Part 1: 'Unto his servants' ( reasons why we should study revelation)

Unlocking Revelation Part 2: 'Sent and Signified' The Biblical concept of Symbols

Unlocking Revelation Part 3: 'Things that must shortly come to pass'