What Did Jesus’ Death Actually Accomplish?


The discussion revolves around the significance of Jesus’ death and what it accomplished, based on biblical passages such as 1 Peter 2:21-25, Romans 3:21-26, and Romans 6:26-27. Key points include Jesus bringing forgiveness of sins, demonstrating the need for salvation, providing an example to follow, declaring God’s righteousness, and offering eternal life.


  • ⛪ Jesus’ sacrifice brought forgiveness of sins, demonstrating our need for salvation.
  • 📖 It provided an example to follow, as illustrated in passages like 1 Peter 2:21-25.
  • 🌟 The sacrifice also declared the righteousness of God, highlighting the divine standard.
  • 🕊️ It offered eternal life, as stated in Romans 6:26-27.
  • 📚 Key passages include 1 Peter 2:21-25, Romans 3:21-26, and Romans 6:26-27.


  • Christianity
  • Bible study
  • Theology
Key Moments (beta)
  • Why Was the Cross Necessary?
    • Exploring the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and its necessity.
    • Delving into key passages to understand the purpose of the crucifixion.
    • Examining parallels between verses in 1 Peter and Isaiah to uncover deeper meanings.
  • Jesus’ Accomplishments Through His Death [02:03
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