Daily Readings and Thought for January 11th. “NONE WHO WAIT FOR YOU”
We were rather overwhelmed by the multitude of the thoughts that arose from today’s readings. Psalm 25 is less known than the very familiar Psalm 23, but it contains many inspiring words. “None who wait for you shall be put to shame” [v.3] and the word “wait” is very significant; more and more we feel we are waiting for God to act – although there are different senses to the word “wait. With seemingly more climate situations of a fearful nature, is God starting to bring greater judgements because of the increasing godlessness of the nations?
In verse 5 we read, “Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” What is God’s truth? Well, it is the opposite of godless human thinking. May God and his Son lead us in true ways of thinking and doing; and surely he caused the Bible to be written and preserved for that purpose.
Next week we will read in Psalm 37, “Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land (or earth); you will look on when the wicked are cut off” [v.34]. We must not become impatient in our waiting. Paul wrote, “May the Lord direct your hearts into realizing and showing the love of God, and into the steadfastness and patience of Christ in waiting for his return” [2 Thess.3 v.5 Amplified Version]
Returning to Psalm 25 we read “The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him … My eyes are ever toward the LORD … Oh guard my soul and deliver me” [v.14,15,20] Let’s appreciate the intensity of David’s attitude toward God! What a relationship he developed with God – no wonder he is called by Samuel, a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13 v.14) Can we try to be a person at least a little like that as we wait for God to act?
Finally, underline verse 21 of this Psalm. “May integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you.” It is not that David was perfect, as we know – and we noted that in v. 11 of this Psalm he wrote, “For your name’s sake, O LORD, pardon my guilt, for it is great.”
Can we make this prayer of David – our prayer? Then God will make us one of his children – as he did David.