The IDF: Most Moral Army in the World!

The IDF: Most Moral Army in the World!

This week has been a busy one for the haters of the Jewish people. The International criminal court has filed ...
The Old Hatred: Anti Semitism rises further in the West

The Old Hatred: Anti Semitism rises further in the West

Throughout history God’s people of Israel have been hated by the nations around it. From the time Israel was in ...
Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne

Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne

Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne As the America Eagle Descends into Chaos, The Double Headed Russian Eagle Rises from ...
Russia’s Growing Influence In Africa! Russia set to have a naval base in Sudan

Russia’s Growing Influence In Africa! Russia set to have a naval base in Sudan

In this weeks Bible in the News we examine the connection with Russia’s involvement in Africa and Bible Prophecy The ...
Iran Strikes Israel! Iran directly attacks Israel with suicide drones, cruise & ballistic missiles.

Iran Strikes Israel! Iran directly attacks Israel with suicide drones, cruise & ballistic missiles.

Last weekend the gloves finally came off.  Choosing to send an army of 170 suicide drones, 30 cruise missiles and ...
A Religious Awakening in Israel! Ten of thousands gather at the Western Wall to pray.

A Religious Awakening in Israel! Ten of thousands gather at the Western Wall to pray.

During the passover holiday, tens of thousands of Jews attended the traditional priestly blessing ceremony at the Western Wall in ...
Tensions Reach New Heights in the Middle East

Tensions Reach New Heights in the Middle East

The world is highly distressed at the potential outcomes in the Middle East, whether of Israel's entry into Rafah and ...
The Myth of the IDF Aid Convoy

The Myth of the IDF Aid Convoy

Over the past couple of days, it looks like the Biden administration has now publicly gone on the offensive against ...
Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine!

Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine!

Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine. Summary The video discusses Russia's potential for a new offensive in ...
The World Prepares for War and Wakes Up the Might Men

The World Prepares for War and Wakes Up the Might Men

The World Prepares for War and Wakes Up the Might Men Governments around the world are increasing their spending on ...
Israel aim for 'Total Victory' against Hamas

Israel aim for ‘Total Victory’ against Hamas

Israel aim for 'Total Victory' against Hamas Welcome to another Bible in the News. This week, Israel rejects Hamas ...
The Evil of UNRWA Exposed How UNRWA conned the world with hypocrisy and lies

The Evil of UNRWA Exposed How UNRWA conned the world with hypocrisy and lies

The Evil of UNRWA Exposed How UNRWA conned the world with hypocrisy and lies How is it possible that ...
Houthis and the Bible - Turmoil developing in the Middle East

Houthis and the Bible – Turmoil developing in the Middle East

As tensions boil over in the Middle East, the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have once ...
Was Jesus Really a Palestinian?

Was Jesus Really a Palestinian?

Examining the Biblical Evidence around the True Identity of Jesus Pro-Hamas protests have taken place this weekend across Canada, ...
How Close is Iran to Nuclear Weapons?

How Close is Iran to Nuclear Weapons?

How Close is Iran to Nuclear Weapons? An Analysis of Iran's Nuclear Capabilities & its effects on the Middle East ...
Conflict  in the North - Hezbollah attack the North of Israel as tensions rise further in the Middle East

Conflict in the North – Hezbollah attack the North of Israel as tensions rise further in the Middle East

This week we look at the destiny of the peoples of Lebanon in Bible prophecy in the light of rising ...
Russia, Hamas and the changing relationship with Israel. Russia will not be a friend of Israel in the latter days

Russia, Hamas and the changing relationship with Israel. Russia will not be a friend of Israel in the latter days

We are beginning to see the cooling of relations between Russia and Israel as we would expect from Bible Prophecy ...
Netanyahu: Arab States could contribute to Solving Gaza's Future - Could the Abraham Accords help?

Netanyahu: Arab States could contribute to Solving Gaza’s Future – Could the Abraham Accords help?

The Abraham Accords brought peace between Israel and some Arab states, but could they also help to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli ...
Antisemitism Fanned by the Media The Controversy of Zion: antisemitism, the media, the Vatican and the gospel.

Antisemitism Fanned by the Media The Controversy of Zion: antisemitism, the media, the Vatican and the gospel.

All over the world we are witnessing an outbreak of abominable antisemitism. Reports of these incidents have been heard to ...
A Religious War Against God's People Palestinians and Hamas have a joint desire of death to the Jews

A Religious War Against God’s People Palestinians and Hamas have a joint desire of death to the Jews Hamas is an organization dedicated to the destruction of the Jews so that the land of Israel might be ...
Special Event: Terror in Israel... What does God think? (John/Dave Billington)

Special Event: Terror in Israel… What does God think? (John/Dave Billington)

Live public event held in Brantford (Ontario) Presenters: John and Dave Billington There are two studies in this series. These ...
Captives in the Coasts of Palestine The relevance of the war in Gaza to Bible prophecy.

Captives in the Coasts of Palestine The relevance of the war in Gaza to Bible prophecy.

The war between Israel and the Hamas terrorists is capturing all of the headlines again this week. In this episode ...
Horrific Invasion and Pogrom By Hamas Terrorists A wave of Antisemitism after a true modern day pogrom.

Horrific Invasion and Pogrom By Hamas Terrorists A wave of Antisemitism after a true modern day pogrom.

In the 21st century on October 7th, 2023 our world witnessed a horrific pogrom where. Israeli men, women, children, and ...
Russia's Destiny Assured in the Collapse of Ukraine

Russia’s Destiny Assured in the Collapse of Ukraine American financial support for Ukraine was stripped from the US budget this past week, but that is only the ...