March of the Rainbow Angel - 2 Studies (Neville Bullock)

March of the Rainbow Angel – 2 Studies (Neville Bullock)

Description: Let's open up Bible prophecy and discover what the bible says about the Rainbow angel in Revelation 10. Let's ...
Israel & Peace Treaties!

Israel & Peace Treaties!

The video script discusses the topic of peace treaties in Israel and the views of different groups. It also explores ...
Understanding The Awesome prophecy in Ezekiel 38 (Neville Bullock)

Understanding The Awesome prophecy in Ezekiel 38 (Neville Bullock)

These three studies give a brief outline of the prophecies outlined in Ezekiel C’s 37, 38 & 39. They cover ...
My two witnesses and the remnant of the woman's seed -4 Studies (Neville Bullock)

My two witnesses and the remnant of the woman’s seed -4 Studies (Neville Bullock)

These four studies give a brief overview of the history of opposition to the apostacy by the Witnesses and the ...
House of Prayer for all nations Series 4 Studies (Neville Bullock)

House of Prayer for all nations Series 4 Studies (Neville Bullock)

Description: The final 9 chapters of the prophecy of Ezekiel are thought to be concerned with the design of a ...
A Time of Trouble such as Never was!

A Time of Trouble such as Never was!

A Christadelphian Video: Description: It talks about the time of trouble which will come on the earth, and shows that ...
The Acts of Peter and Paul - 6 video Bible Study Series

The Acts of Peter and Paul – 6 video Bible Study Series

The series consists of an overview of the key themes in Acts, and a closer look at the first two ...
Understanding Revelation: Study - 4 videos (ongoing...)

Understanding Revelation: Study – 4 videos (ongoing…)

1.     Description:  The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a love letter sent to those believers who heed it and will become the Bride ...
The Prophet Samuel 8 Part Study Series

The Prophet Samuel 8 Part Study Series

Description: This ongoing multi-part series is being presented at the Wilston Christadelphian Ecclesia in Australia by Bro Neville Bullock. Examining the ...
Fellowship in Principle and Practice: Four Part Bible Study Series

Fellowship in Principle and Practice: Four Part Bible Study Series

Descriptions: 1. These talks, by an elder member of the Wilston Ecclesia in Brisbane, are to inform its members of ...
Elisha the forgotten Prophet: 9 Pt Series - Neville Bullock Video Bible Study Series

Elisha the forgotten Prophet: 9 Pt Series – Neville Bullock Video Bible Study Series

Follow Bible Truth and Prophecy on Watch in Full HD below - Click Image to play... (Click the top ...
Must See: The Israel - Palestine Conflict - The Facts! Video Post

Must See: The Israel – Palestine Conflict – The Facts! Video Post

Video Description: Description: See and picture the land promised to Abraham all the way to our day! God’s witnesses are clearly ...
Jerusalem: A Burdensome Stone for ALL Nations Video

Jerusalem: A Burdensome Stone for ALL Nations Video

Video Description: Jerusalem has been the focus of the warring nations, disputed, and is still the bone of contention. In ...
2018 Melbourne Prophecy Day Videos

2018 Melbourne Prophecy Day Videos

Video Description: Bro Philip Weatherall (Daventry, UK) “The Mind of  Modern Russia” Bro Carl Parry (Salisbury, SA) “Sweeping changes in ...
Britain Brexit & the Bible What the Bible has to say.

Britain Brexit & the Bible What the Bible has to say.

Description: We see around us the signs of the times, the outworking of God’s purpose with the earth. Faithful men ...
The Daughter Of Tyre Tarshish With A Gift: Video post

The Daughter Of Tyre Tarshish With A Gift: Video post

Follow Bible Truth and Prophecy on Description: Tyre and Tarshish in the Bible and have a modern counterpart in ...
The Entry of Sin into the World and its Effects Neville Bullock

The Entry of Sin into the World and its Effects Neville Bullock

Sin is well described from a Biblical context. After the first sin in Eden, God graciously provided the means of ...
Bible Proof - Prophecy

Bible Proof – Prophecy

The Bible tells us what the endtimes will be like - which nations shall be involved, and how things will ...