“LET US TEST AND EXAMINE OUR WAYS” Thoughts from today’s Bible readings – Sept 2nd
We have a diverse range of inspired lessons in our readings today. First, from a human perspective it is understandable that Elisha’s proclamation of “thus says the LORD, tomorrow about this time …” [2 Kings 7 v.1] there will be an abundance of food – would be beyond belief to those who heard him! Yet, because of all the remarkable things he had already been able to do in the name of the LORD, the “captain” should not have been so totally sceptical.
A lesson for us which surely we have learned in view of the way aspects of prophecy about “the last days” have already been fulfilled – that we can be confident the rest will wonderfully come to pass – indeed, maybe very soon! But we must be careful to distinguish between plain prophetical statements and those which are not so plain. Jeremiah in his ‘lamentations’ (ch. 3 v.37-41) has an appropriate comment; “Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it?” adding, “Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come?”
Those doing their best to know his word and serve him should be able to discern this. Jeremiah certainly could! His next words are appropriate for us too! “Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the LORD! Let us lift up our hearts …”
We ponder how many, over the centuries have lifted up their hands, but not their hearts!
In the New Testament we completed Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians – and v.13 of the final chapter provides an appropriate concluding thought. “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”
After we “test and examine our ways” let us commit ourselves to doing that.